We need 50 sentences in the present continuous tense

We need 50 sentences in the present continuous tense

They are playing basketball
Now they are playing basketball
Listen!She is singing an
Listen, she is singing English
Look at the picture.The
children are flying kites in the
Look at this picture. Those children are going to work
Fly a kite in the garden
We are making model planes
We are making airplane models these days
It's 6:30 now. I am getting up
It's 6:30. I'm getting up
Linda's brother is watching TV
in his bedroom now.
Linda's brother is watching in his bedroom now
We're far from home.What Are
our parents doing at the
We're far away from home, we're far away from home
What are your parents doing now?
These days we are helping the
Farmers work on the farm
One day we helped the farmers on the farm
They're having a test this week.
They are having an exam this week
Mr Cheng is visiting our village
Mr. Cheng is here this month
Visit the village
Look!Maria and Tom are
Dancing under the tree
Leah and Tom are dancing under the tree
Listen!Our English teacher is
singing the popular English
Listen! Our English teacher is singing that song
A popular English song
Many children are swimming
in the river.Can 't you see
Can't you see the child swimming in the river
No,Jack is doing his homework
In the classroom
Doing homework in the classroom
Oh,he is reading a newspaper
Oh, he's looking in the office
reference material: baike.baidu.com
A total of 10 English compositions are urgently required
It's a total of 10, but it has to be in the present tense, the present continuous tense and the past tense
But I can't tell you how to form the present tense
Make ten sentences each in the past tense, the future tense, the present continuous tense, the present tense, the comparative and the superlative
There are 50 sentences in all. Don't be too complicated~
In the past tense:
1 I ate an ice cream yesterday.
2 They played football last Sunday.
3 She had a hamburger for breakfast this morning.
4 Amy visited the Great Wall last year.
5 I met my English teacher on my way home the day before yesterday.
6 My father bought me a story book last week.
7 We went to the park last Saturday.
8 Daming washed his T-shirt last night.
9 Her brother went to Shanghai in 2008.
10 In October 2005,Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.
In the future:
1 I am going to go to the West Lake this summer.
2 They will go to the zoo tomorrow.
3 She is going to do her homework tonight.
4 He will play basketball with his friend this Sunday.
5 I will visit the UN building tomorrow.
6 Sam is going to go to Shanghai by plane.
7 My parents are going to see a movie tonight.
8 Simon will listen to music this evening.
9 They are going to row a boat on the lake next week.
10 The boys are going to play football after class.
present progressive:
1 The birds are singing in the trees.
2 The ducks are swimming in the river.
3 Daming is visiting America with his cousin,Simon.
4 Amy is riding a bike in the park.
5 The teacher is teaching English in the classroom.
6 I am sending an email to my family in China.
7 They are visiting the Chinatown in New York.
8 She is playing the piano in the room.
9 The girls are singing and dancing.They are very happy.
10 He is running on the playground.
Present tense:
1 I go to school on foot every day.
2 He always goes to work by car.
3 They often play games after school.
4 We always have a special meal.It 's a big family dinner.
5 We usually do our homework after school.
6 She practices her piano every day.
7 I get up at half past six every morning.
8 Does he clean the classroom every day
9 Do they have Chinese class on Mondays
10 They have a party every Sunday.
Comparative and superlative:
1 It is less cold today than it was yesterday.
2 This book is less interesting than that one.
3 Which is better ,this one or that one
4 He is not more careful than Jack.
5 She is becoming more and more beautiful.
6 The earth is much bigger than the moon.
7 Tom is the tallest of us all.
8 China is larger than any country else in Asia.
9 The box is a litter heavier than that one.
10 The more you eat,the fatter you will be.
After answering, do you meet the questioner's requirements?
5. In time adverbial clauses and conditional adverbial clauses, the present era is often used to replace the future tense. The act of planning or arranging in advance. 7. Replace the past tense with the present. 8. Some expressions
1 I ate an ice cream yesterday.
2 They played football last Sunday.
3 She had a hamburger for breakfast this morning.
4 Amy visited the Great Wall last year.
5 I met my English teacher
1 I ate an ice cream yesterday.
2 They played football last Sunday.
3 She had a hamburger for breakfast this morning.
4 Amy visited the Great Wall last year.
5 I met my English teacher on my way home the day before yesterday.
6 My father bought me a story book last week.
7 We went to the park last Saturday.
8 Daming washed his T-shirt last night.
9 Her brother went to Shanghai in 2008.
10 in October 2005, Shenzhen V fly into space with Yang Liwei
When a number is added, subtracted, and divided by itself, the sum, difference, and quotient of them add up to 18.8. What is this number?
The sum is twice that number, the difference is 0, and the quotient is 1
This number is (18.8-1) / 2 = 8.9
It is known that the domain of F (x) = (the square of ax - ax + 1 / a) ^ 1 / 2 is all real numbers, and the value range of real number a is obtained
The radical is meaningful, ax ^ 2-ax + 1 / A is constant ≥ 0
Equation AX ^ 2-ax + 1 / a = 0, quadratic coefficient a > 0, discriminant ≤ 0
A > 0
So 0
Given that the function y = f (x) satisfies f (x) = 2F (1 / x) + X, the analytic expression of F (x) is?
There is analysis
F (x) = 2F (1 / x) + X
The key to this kind of problem is to change x into 1 / X and get the solution of the equations about X, 1 / X
For the sake of understanding, it can also be changed to t
Let f = 2x / t be (x) + 1
Take t = 1 / X to get f (1 / x) = 2F (x) + 1 / X
Simultaneous elimination of F (1 / x) leads to f (x) = (- 1 / 3) X-2 / (3x)
f(x)-2f(1/x)=x (1)
Let x = 1 / X
Then f (1 / x) - 2F (x) = 1 / X (2)
So f (x) = - (X & # 178; + 2) / (3x)
F (x) = - [2 (1 / x) + x]
Set of function values of quadratic function y = x ^ 2-4 (how to express)
Beware of traps. You'd better ask the learned senior brothers and sisters to help
I'm a freshman
Ls positive solution
Because X & sup2; > = 0
So x & sup2; - 4 > = - 4
That is Y > = - 4
So the set of function values of quadratic function y = x & sup2; - 4 can be expressed as
If the equation | cosx | = ax + 1 has exactly two solutions, then the value set of real number a is ()
A. (-2π,-23π)∪(23π,2π)B. (-2π,0)∪(0,2π)C. [-2π,2π]D. {-2π,2π}
The graph of functions y = | cosx | and y = ax + 1 is given. It can be seen from the graph that when a straight line passes through a point (π 2, 0) or (- π 2, 0), there are two intersections between the two graphs. At this time, a = - 2 π, or 2 π, so the value set of real number a is {- 2 π, 2 π}, so D
Given that the function y = f (x) satisfies f (x) = 2F (1x) + X (x ≠ 0), then the analytic expression of F (x) is______ .
∵ f (x) = 2F (LX) + X, ∵ f (LX) = 2F (x) + 1X, if f (LX) is eliminated by two simultaneous formulas, f (x) = - 23x − X3 (x ≠ 0) can be obtained, so the answer is: F (x) = - 23x − X3 (x ≠ 0)
The set of function values of quadratic function y = x2-4 is______ .
∵ x2 ≥ 0, so y = x2-4 ≥ - 4, so the set of function values of quadratic function y = x2-4 is {y | y ≥ - 4}, so the answer is: {y | y ≥ - 4}