Which nouns need to be added es when they end in O and become plural?

Which nouns need to be added es when they end in O and become plural?

For words ending with O, many of them add es to form plural, especially for some common words such as: Heroes, potato, tomato, echoes, tornadoes, torpedoes, dominoes, vetoes, mosquitoes, Negroes, mangoes, buffaloes, volcanoes, but the following words only add s: 1
If the word photo becomes plural, you don't need to add es, just add s, and if the word potato becomes plural, you need to add es! There are vowels and consonants! Do not know how to add my QQ: 79171283! Thank you for your adoption! Except for photo, all the others are added with ES^@^
Many words ending with O add es to form plural, especially some common words such as: Heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, echoes, tornadoes, torpedoes, domino es, vetoes, mosquitoes, Negroes, mangoes, buffaloes, volcanoes
But the following kinds of words only add s: 1. Words ending with "vowel + O" or "OO" such as: videos, radios, studios, f
Many words ending with O add es to form plural, especially some common words such as: Heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, echoes, tornadoes, torpedoes, domino es, vetoes, mosquitoes, Negroes, mangoes, buffaloes, volcanoes
But the following words only add s: 1. Words ending with "vowel + O" or "OO", such as: videos, radios, studios, folios, oratorios, embryos, zoos, bamboos, kangaroos, taboos
2. Some loanwords, especially in music, such as piano, solos, concertos, tobaccos, mottos, cellos
3. Some abbreviations and proper nouns, such as: kilos, photos, memories, micros, Eskimos, filipnos
It's OK to add two suffixes to some words, such as Archipelago (E) s, halo (E) s, cars (English) and cars (American)
When do you add es and s to plural words ending in o?
What are the rules?
Words ending with O, words with life, such as: potatoes, tomatoes, etc
Inanimate words like "zoos photos" with "s"
The rule that nouns ending in Y become plural
For example: Library
For nouns ending with the consonant + y, change y to I and add - es
Pronunciation change: add [Z]
Examples: candy → candies; daisy → daisies; fair → fairies; lady → ladies; story → stories
Does the plural form of proper noun ending with vowel and y change y into I and then add es?
The grammar book only says: plural form of proper noun ending with consonant letter plus y directly plus s Like Marys, henrys
As long as a noun does not end with a consonant and y, no matter it is a proper noun or not, it will not change according to ies
I hope my answer can help you,
Most of them don't, like say
For nouns ending with "consonant + Y", change y to I and add es.
Eg.city -- cities, family -- families, documentary -- documents, country -- countries, strawberry -- strawberries
(Note: for words ending with "vowel + Y", add - s directly at the end. eg.boys,holidays,days)
If the equations x ^ 2 + ax + 1 = 0 and x ^ 2-x-a = 0 have only one set of common real solutions, then ayou satisfies the condition
Then how many a satisfy the condition
By subtracting the two equations, we get the following result:
The common solution is as follows
By substituting x = - 1 into any equation, we get the following result:
A there is one
Given the function f (x) = (m-1) x2 + 3x + (2-N), and this function is odd, find m, n
I also know that f (- x) = - f (x), but please list the specific calculation process,
So M-1 = 1-m 2-N = - (2-N)
That is, M = 1, n = 2
Is x2 the square of X in (m-1) x2?
Because it is an odd function, f (- x) = - f (x) holds for X in all domains
(m-1)x2-3x+(2-n) = -[ (m-1)x2+3x+(2-n) ]
So: 2 (m-1) x2 + 2 (2-N) = 0
Because it holds for all x, the coefficient of X is 0 and the constant term is 0.
2(m-1) =0
2(2-n) = 0
So m = 1, n = 2
Then (n) = 0-2, n = 0-1
It is reduced to M = 1
Because f (x) is a continuous function in the domain of definition,
So f (0) = 0
That is 2-N = 0
What are the product, multiplication, subtraction, and sum of 1, 100?
If the equation x square + ax + 1 = 0 and x square - x-a = 0 have a common real solution, then a satisfying this condition may have ()
A. Infinitely many B.3 C.2 D.1
The common solution (a + 1) x + 1 + a = 0 can be obtained by subtracting two equations. The problem says that there is a common solution, that is, X has a solution, and the equation is a linear equation with one variable, so there are countless solutions for a line
Let f (x) = x2-4x + 3, G (x) = 3x-2, M = {x ∈ R | f (g (x)) > 0}, n = {x ∈ R | g (x) < 2}, then m ∩ n
Is (- ∞, 1) why f (g (x)) > 0?
Is f (g) - 1 not?
Set M = {x ∈ R | f (g (x)) > 0}, which is just the definition of set M
From F (x) > 0
The result is: (x-1) (x-3) > 0, that is, x > 3 or x0 is: G (x) > 3 or G (x) 3 or 3x-25 / 3 or X
The sum of sum, difference, product and quotient of a number and itself is 169. What is the number?
The sum, difference, product and quotient obtained by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing a number and itself are the square and 1 of 2x, 0 and X respectively
The equation is solved
X = 12 or - 14
Let the number be a, then
The equation a ^ 2 + 2a-168 = 0 is obtained,
The results show that (A-12) × (a + 14) = 0
So A1 = 12, A2 = - 14