Many a as subject predicate verb singular plural

Many a as subject predicate verb singular plural

In the singular
1.Many a student has breakfast in the morning.
many a students = many students
How to distinguish singular and plural nouns in English?
What kind of things are singular and plural? Some things are not easy to distinguish singular and plural
Let me explain. I hope you understand
Nouns are divided into proper nouns and common nouns
Here is an introduction to common nouns, which can be divided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns
The uncountable nouns are all singular, for example, the liquid, bread, meat, paper, etc. of the material class are singular, and the time, money, etc. of the abstract class are singular
Countable nouns can be used as singular, then add the indefinite article a (n), such as a book. But it also has plural form, such as books. There are seven ways to change the singular into the plural, which are not listed here. If you need, you can ask again
Which is not easy to distinguish? Can you tell me
For example, money, uncountable, is a plural noun - money, followed by no s
And trees, trees, trees are countable, so add s
LZ can be judged directly according to the Chinese meaning
The monotone increasing interval of function y = 3x & # 178; + 6x-12 is ----- monotone decreasing interval is-------
Answer: d% a% d% ay = 3x & # 178; - 6x = 3 (X & # 178; - 2x + 1) - 3 = 3 (x-1) &# 178; - 3% d% a parabola opening upward, symmetry axis X = 1% d% a monotone increasing interval is [1, + ∞)%, d% a monotone decreasing interval is (- ∞, 1]
Why can rational numbers be written as the ratio of two coprime integers
Rational numbers can be written in a / b form
If a and B are not coprime, then they can be reduced until they can't be further reduced
If you are not coprime, you have to reduce, if you are simplest, you have to be coprime
The function f (x) = 1 / 3x & # 179; - 1 / 2 (a + 1) x & # 178; + ax + 3 is a decreasing function in the interval [1,4], and an increasing function in the interval (6, + infinity)
Find the value range of A
F '(x) = x & # 178; - (a + 1) x + a = (x-1) (x-a), substituting into the original condition, when x > = 1, when X0
Thus 4
Can any rational number be written in the form of Coprime even integers?
Any rational number can be written in the form of two coprime integers
Yes, of course, except 0, 0 can't be transformed into coprime fractional form. Rational number is the general name of integer and fraction. All rational numbers can be transformed into fractional form
If it's a math problem, it's wrong. 0 is not
The reason why circular decimals are rational numbers is that they can be converted into fractions
Given the function f (x) = 2x ^ 3-3ax ^ 2, G (x) = 3x ^ 2-6x, and the function f (x) in (0,1) monotone decreasing to find the value of A
Given the function f (x) = 2x ^ 3-3ax ^ 2, G (x) = 3x ^ 2-6x, and the function f (x) monotonically decreases at (0,1) and monotonically increases at (1, positive infinity), the value of a is obtained
When x belongs to (0,1), f '(x)
F (x) decreases monotonically at (0,1) and increases monotonically at (1, positive infinity)
There are: F '(1) = 0,6 (1-A) = 0, a = 1
The derivative of F (x) is: 6x-6ax is equal to zero, a = zero, or a is increasing or decreasing when the derivative is greater than zero, so a is the dividing point, and its value is 1
Rational numbers can be expressed as_____ The form of (P, q are coprime integers)
Rational numbers can be expressed as__ p/q___ The form of (P, q are coprime integers)
Finding monotone interval of function f (x) = 1 / 3x ^ 3 + 1 / 2x ^ 2-6x
Get x > 2 or X
Rational numbers and irrational numbers add, subtract, multiply and divide,
Is it irrational how to calculate?
Not all of them are irrational numbers. For example, when irrational numbers multiply rational numbers by zero, they are rational numbers. Others should be irrational numbers