What are the usages, structures, formation rules and signs of the present continuous tense in English?

What are the usages, structures, formation rules and signs of the present continuous tense in English?

present progressive:
Concept: refers to the action and behavior in progress at the present stage or when speaking
Adverbials of time: now, at this time, these days, etc
Basic structure: AM / is / are + doing
Negative form: AM / is / are + not + doing
Put the verb be at the beginning of the sentence
We are waiting for you. B. habitual: it means a long-term or repetitive action. The action may not be in progress when speaking Mr.Green Is writing another novel, She is learning piano under Mr.Smith . C. the verbs for gradual change are: get, grow, come, turn, run, go, begin, etc red.It 's getting warmer and warmer. D. used with always, consistently, forever, etc., it means repeated action or persistent state, often with the subjective color of the speaker My dictionary___ ,I have looked for it everywhere but still___ The first sentence is a continuous state. The effect of the progressive application still exists because it can't be found
What are the verbs in English that need to be double written with ing in the present continuous tense?
The more, the better. Accurate. Common. Quick,
Rule: stress the end of the closed syllable, end with a consonant and a vowel, double write the consonant and add ing
The verb ing is written as follows: sit, put, get, stop.begin ,swim,prefer,travel,run
cut ---- cutting
dig ---- digging
get ---- getting
hit ---- hitting
let ---- letting
put ---- putting
Run -- run... Expand
The verb ing is written as follows: sit, put, get, stop.begin ,swim,prefer,travel,run
cut ---- cutting
dig ---- digging
get ---- getting
hit ---- hitting
let ---- letting
put ---- putting
run ---- running
set ---- setting
shut ---- shutting
sit ---- sitting
spit ---- spitting
split ---- splitting
swim ---- swimming
win ---- winning
beg ---- begged ---- begging
drip ---- dripped ---- dripping
dot ---- dotted ---- dotting
drop ---- dropped ---- dropping
fit ---- fitted ---- fitting
hug ---- hugged ---- hugged
plan ---- planned ---- planning
pat ---- patted ---- patting
rid ---- ridded ---- ridding
rob ---- robbed ---- robbing
rebet ---- rebetted ---- rebetting
regret ---- regretted ---- regretting
stop ---- stopped ---- stopping
stir ---- stirred ---- stirring
rub ---- rubbed ---- rubbing
travel ---- travel(l)ed ---- travel(l)ing
whip ---- whipped ---- whipping
The rule is: in stressed closed syllables, when there is only one consonant at the end and only one vowel before the consonant, double write the consonant.
Online game shrimp this: Fu Yuan Fu seems to remember better
The inner reason is: after the verb + ing or + ed, the pronunciation of the main part must be kept unchanged
Take cut as an example
Correct: cutting is divided into two syllables: cut. Ting. The first part is pronounced the same as cut
Error: cutting is divided into two syllables: Cu · ting. The first part of the pronunciation changes
Therefore, if there is only one consonant at the end of the stressed vowel, it is necessary to double write the consonant. If you don't double write, then the consonant letter and ing or ed form a syllable, and the front syllable will change from closed syllable to open syllable!
infer other things from one fact:
In general, double writing is to make pronunciation inconvenient, but sometimes, double writing will make pronunciation change. For example, the past participle of write is written, so: I in write is open syllable, read as [AI], I in write becomes closed syllable because of double writing T, read as [i].
On "the problem of double writing"
No matter how long the last consonant is, we only need to consider whether the word is composed of three consonants.
But there is one exception, listening. Although the three letters at the end conform to the rule of "Fu Yuan Fu", the word is not double written, but listening
On "how to change the ending"
1) When a proper noun ending in Y or a noun ending in vowel + y becomes plural, add s directly to the plural
Two Marys the Henry
     monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays  
Comparison: story --- stories
2) Nouns ending in O, when plural:
A. add s, such as: Photo --- photos piano --- piano
         radio---radios  zoo---zoos;
b. Add es, such as: potato -- potato, tomato -- tomato
c. Yes, such as zero --- zeros / zeroes
3) When a noun ending in f or Fe becomes plural:
a. Add s, such as: belief --- beliefs roof --- roof
         safe---safes  gulf---gulfs;
b. To F, Fe and ves, for example: half --- halves
   knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves
   wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;
c. All right, such as: Handkerchief: Handkerchief / handkerchieves
In all stressed closed syllables, if there is only one consonant at the end and only one vowel before the consonant, double write the consonant.
Just remember the rules. Too many examples are not enough
It's very simple, that is to stress the auxiliary elements under the closed syllable [that is, the last three letters are consonants + vowels + consonants, and then the syllables formed by these three letters are stressed in the whole word]. There are also some judgment skills: if it's a big type of auxiliary elements with only three initials, it's necessary to double write, for example, if the listening type is stressed in the front, of course, it's not necessary to add Listen is not special. The elder martial brother in front is wrong. There is a really special one, that is, although the babysit stress is at the top, it is not special. This one also has grammar, but it is more complicated. And then... Unfold
It's very simple, that is to stress the auxiliary elements under the closed syllable [that is, the last three letters are consonants + vowels + consonants, and then the syllables formed by these three letters are stressed in the whole word]. There are also some judgment skills: if it's a big type of auxiliary elements with only three initials, it's necessary to double write, for example, if the listening type is stressed in the front, of course, it's not necessary to add Listen is not special. The elder martial brother in front is wrong. There is a really special one, that is, although the babysit stress is at the top, it is not special. This one also has grammar, but it is more complicated. Then he made another mistake, that is, the past participle changed in pronunciation, and the present participle did not change in pronunciation. What's special is that the stress of babysitting is transferred to sit. In addition, some words such as travel can be double L or not. I hope these words are useful to you. Many of the words that need double have been listed by predecessors, so I won't repeat them
Swim swimming
2. Run running
3. Get getting
Sit sitting
5. Cut cutting
6. Stop stopping
7. Shop shopping
8. Put putting
9. Hit Hitt
Swim swimming
2. Run running
3. Get getting
Sit sitting
5. Cut cutting
6. Stop stopping
7. Shop shopping
8. Put putting
9. Hit hitting
10. Fit fitting
11. Pit pitting
12. Knit knitting
13. Kid kidding
That's all I can think of, okay? Put it away
The definition of the present continuous tense, the form of predicate verb, the adverbial of time, the matters needing attention and the rules
Thank you
I am answering your questions
Structure: AM / is / are + ing of verb
Right now, now, etc
The present continuous tense of some verbs can express the meaning of the general future tense. What are the meanings of these verbs
In English, verbs expressing position transfer (such as go, come, leave, start, arrive, return, send, move, travel, fly, etc.) and other action verbs (such as do, begin, work, spend, play, stay, happy, have, finish, join, eat, die, meet, etc.) are often used with the present continuous tense and adverbials of time indicating that something will happen in the near future
The Browns are coming to dinner tomorrow
What are you doing tomorrow?
The train is arriving at nine o'clock
To be going to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to + to
"Be going to + verb prototype" means plan, plan and action in the future,
For example:
He is going to travel around the world
If f (x) is an odd function defined on R, and X ∈ (0, + ∞), f (x) = LG (x + 1), find the expression of F (x) and draw the diagram
① When x = 0, f (0) = 0; ② when x < 0, - x > 0, ∵ f (x) is an odd function, ∵ f (- x) = - f (x) ∵ f (x) = - f (- x) = - LG (- x + 1), to sum up: F (x) = LG (x + 1), (x > 0) 0, (x = 0) − LG (− x + 1), and (x < 0) the image is shown in the following figure:
If f (x) is odd, G (x) is even, and f (x) + G (x) = 1 x − 1, then f (x)=______ .
∵ f (x) + G (x) = 1x − 1, ① ∵ f (− x) + G (− x) = 1 − x − 1, ∵ f (x) is odd function, G (x) is even function, ∵ f (x) + G (x) = 1 − x − 1, ② ① + ②, 2g (x) = 1x − 1 + 1 − x − 1 = 2x2 − 1, ∵ g (x) = 1x2 − 1
Given the set a = {the square of X | x + MX + 1 = 0}, if a ∩ {negative real number} = empty set, then the value range of M is?
If we want to satisfy a ∩ {negative real number} = empty set, the square of X + MX + 1 = 0 can only have no real number solution, either one positive real root or two positive real roots
If there is no real solution, then the discriminant
If the image of the function y = 4x + 3-K passes through the origin, then K=
Passing through the origin means passing through the point (0,0), and bringing the point into the function: 0 = 4 × 0 + 3-k
It is reduced to k = 3
It's just substituting x = 0, y = 0