What are the questions and special questions in primary school English Brother

What are the questions and special questions in primary school English Brother

What's your name? What's the weather like today? What about you? What color is it
General questions guided by be verbs and do auxiliary verbs;
Special questions guided by 3W and 1H: what, where, why, how
General questions guided by be verbs and do auxiliary verbs;
Special questions guided by 3W and 1H: what, where, why, how. General questions: general questions guided by is / are, do / does, can.
What's your name?
What's the weather like today?
... unfold
General questions guided by be verbs and do auxiliary verbs;
Special questions guided by 3W and 1H: what, where, why, how. General questions: general questions guided by is / are, do / does, can.
What's your name?
What's the weather like today?
What about you?
What color is it ? What color is it?
What would you like?
What's your favorite subject / season / spots / food?
Where do you live?
Where are you going to go?
How are you?
how old are you? How old are you?
How do you come to school?
How often do you?
how long/tall/heavy/big,...?…… How long, tall, heavy and big is it?
Which bus goes to? Put it away
Please help me to solve the exercises in the present continuous tense
2. Single choice
I am looking after the children
(A)I am looking after the baby.
(B)I'm look aftering the baby.
(C)I look am aftering the baby.
(D)I looking after the baby.
( )2.______ friend's making ______ a kite.
(A)I,me (B)My ,my (C)My,me (D)His,his
( )3.Is the woman ______ yellow your teacher?
(A)in (B)putting on (C)wearing (D)having
( )4.Look!The twins ______ their mother do the housework.
(A)are wanting (B)help (C)are helping (D)are looking
( )5.______ are the birds doing?They are singing in a tree.
(A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where
( )6.Is she ______ something?
(A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats
What are you doing?
(A)What is you doing?
(B)What are you do?
(C)What are you doing?
(D)What do you do?
( )8.What are you listening ______ ?
(A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to
I am listening to him
(A)I listening to him.
(B)I'm listening to him.
(C)I'm listen to him.
(D)I'm listening him.
( )10.They are ______ their clothes.
(A)makeing (B)putting (C)put away (D)putting on
( )11.Listen!She ______ in the classroom.
(A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing
( )12.Today Jim ______ his white shirt and brown trousers.
(A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing
( )13.______ are you eating?I'm eating ______ meat.
(A)What,some (B)Which,any (C)Where,not (D)What,a
( )14.They______ TV in the evening.They do their homework.
(A)are watching (B)can't watching
(C)don't watch (D)don't watching
( )15.The children ______ football.
(A)is playing (B)are playing
(C)play the (D)play a
( )16.They are flying kites.
(A) They like flying kites. (b) are they flying kites?
(C) They are flying kites. (d) they often fly kites
( )17.Here are many books.Please ______ them.
(A)look (B)write (C)count (D)taking
( )18.Look,They are swimming in the river.
I want ______ you.
(A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help
( )19.The man _____ (work) near the house now.
(A)work (B)works (C)working (D)is working
( )20. Look.Lucy is _____ a new bike today.
(A)jumping (B)running (C)riding (D)takeing
)I am looking after the children
(A)I am looking after the baby.
( )2. ______ friend's making ______ a kite.
(C)My, me
( )3. Is the woman ______ yellow your teacher?
( )4. Look!The twins ______ their mother do the housework.
(C)are helping
( )5. ______ are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.
( )6. Is she ______ something?
What are you doing?
(C)What are you doing?
( )8. What are you listening ______ ?
I am listening to him
(B)I'm listening to him.
( )10. They are ______ their clothes.
(D)putting on
( )11. Listen! She ______ in the classroom.
(A)is singing
( )12. Today Jim ______ his white shirt and brown trousers.
( )13. ______ are you eating? I'm eating ______ meat.
(A)What, some
( )14. They______ TV in the evening. They do their homework.
(A)are watching
( )15. The children ______ football.
(B)are playing
( )16. They are flying kites.
(B) Are they flying kites?
( )17. Here are many books. Please ______ them.
( )18. Look,They are swimming in the river.
I want ______ you.
(A)to go with
( )19.The man _____ (work) near the house now.
(D)is working
( )20.Look. Lucy is _____ a new bike today.
Exercises and answers in the present continuous tense
Let the elements in the set a be real numbers. When a belongs to a, 1 / 1-A belongs to A. (1) prove that if a belongs to a, then 1-1 / a belongs to a (2) if 2 belongs to a, find the set a
(1) Because when a belongs to a, 1 / 1-A belongs to a, obviously a cannot be equal to 1
Then 1 / 1-A also belongs to a, so 1 / 1 - (1 / 1-A) = 1-1 / A
(2) Because a = 2 belongs to a
A = - 1, then a = - 1
Then 1 / 1 - (- 1) = 1 / 2 belongs to a
Then 1 / 1-1 / 2 = 2 belongs to a
So a = {2, - 1,1 / 2}
Prove that the function f (x) = LG [√ (x * x + 1) - x] is an odd function
Such as the title
f(-x)=lg[√(x*x+1) +x]
=LG [√ (x * x + 1) - x] ^ (- 1) (because [√ (x * x + 1) + x] * [√ (x * x + 1) - x] = 1)
=-LG [√ (x * x + 1) - x] (because LG (1 / x) = - LG (x))
So odd function
Is that clear?
f(-x)=lg[√(x*x+1) +x]
=lg[√(x*x+1) -x]^(-1)
=-lg[√(x*x+1) -x]
So odd function
Is there a limit for continuous function?
Is continuous function bound?
How to prove it?
Y = x, defined on all real numbers, is continuous, but there is no limit.
But today I saw it on the Internet
"What is the relationship between function limit and continuity
0 | solution time: 2006-10-29 21:27 | questioner: is there a limit to the continuity of Xiaohua's lullaby
Whether there is limit is continuous or not
If there is a limit, it is not necessarily continuous, but continuity must have a limit.
A continuous function must have two conditions: one is defined here, the other is limited in this interval.
Therefore, the limit of a function is a necessary and insufficient condition for the continuity of a function. "
There's some confusion,
There are three conditions for a function f (x) to be continuous at the point x0: 1. The function f (x) has a definition at the point x0; 2. The function f (x) has a limit at the point x0; 3. The limit of the function f (x) at the point x0 is equal to the function value f (x0)
It is known that the elements of set a are all real numbers and satisfy: if a ∈ a, then 1-A / 1 + a ∈ a
1. If a = - 3, find out all other elements in a
Is 2.0 an element of set a? Please design a real number a ∈ A and find out all the elements in a?
What conclusion can you draw from 1.2?
I want to say I know the answer. I just want to ask
(1) Where a = Set-3, - 1 / 2,1 / 3,2, - 3
But why should we replace the - 1 / 2 of a = 3 repeatedly
1-A / 1 + A
I've got myself tangled up
Got it. Er --
Students score first come first served
(1) Where a = Set-3, - 1 / 2,1 / 3,2, - 3
But why should we replace the - 1 / 2 of a = 3 repeatedly
1-A / 1 + A
a= -3,1-a/1+a∈A
A is substituted into 1-A / 1 + A to get - 1 / 2. At this time, - 1 / 2 ∈ a, so you can substitute 1-A / 1 + a again to get 1 / 3, so you can substitute 1 / 3 into 1-A / 1 + A, and then you can get all the results
Because every 1-A / 1 + a you calculate is an element of a set, it's hard to explain if you can work it out. Please call me if you don't understand
If the function f (x) defined in the interval (- 1,1) satisfies 2F (x) - f (- x) = LG (x + 1), then f (x)=______ .
∵ 2F (x) - f (- x) = LG (x + 1), ① ∵ 2F (- x) - f (x) = LG (- x + 1), ② ① × 2 + ②, 3f (x) = 2lg (x + 1) + LG (1-x) ∵ f (x) = 23lg (x + 1) + 13lg (1 − x), so the answer is 23lg (x + 1) + 13lg (1 − x)
If the limit of a function exists at one point, then the left and right limits of the function exist at this point
Right or wrong?
This is true for binary functions
Let s be a set of real numbers satisfying the following two conditions
① S does not contain 1
② If a ∈ s, then 1 / 1-A ∈ s
Q: can there be only one element in set s?
The equation 1 / (1-A) = a has no solution in the range of real number
0zheyang a
The equation has no solution in the range of real number