On the complex set, the root of the equation x2 + 2x + 2 = 0 is______ .

On the complex set, the root of the equation x2 + 2x + 2 = 0 is______ .

According to the meaning of the question,: △ = 22-4 × 1 × 2 = - 4, so the root of the original equation is: x = − 2 ±− 42 × 1 = − 1 ± I & nbsp; & nbsp; (I is an imaginary number unit), we get X1 = - 1 + I, X2 = - 1-I, so the answer is: - 1 ± I
Find an adjective or phrase (short sentence)
It describes a person who has done something that can't be saved when he is not clear headed. Afterwards, he feels very shameful and regrets what he has done. He can't put down any words or phrases or short sentences!
No time to repent, no time to repent later, no time to repent at the beginning, no time to repent at the beginning
A moment of confusion
too late to regret
mixed feelings of remorse and shame
regret having done sth.
I regret it
too late to regret
mixed feelings of remorse and shame
Merry Christmas!! (*^__ ^ *
too late to regret
How can I regret it?
On the singular and plural of English Verbs
They sometimes go for long walks in the park.
They are the third person plural verb go, but why does walk add s? Isn't walk a verb?
They sometimes go for long walks in the park.
Walk is not a verb, but a noun
I am engaged in English. I don't know what to ask
A walk for walk = a walk for walk
Go for a walk
Walk here is a noun. Walk, walk, walk
Long walks is a long way. It means plural.
Go for a walk
It's a long walk to the station.
It's a long walk to the station.
Ask: noun plural exercises
My family__________ (be) early risers.
I need a word or phrase / short sentence to describe a person!
This person always feels that he knows everything, can see through everyone, and feels that he has seen through everyone's heart. In fact, he seems so ignorant that no one can be completely seen through. He is not self righteous. This kind of character can be described by a word / phrase / short sentence. Thank you!
Cleverly confused
Why are English verbs plural
For example, the plural of toast is toast
It's not negative, it's the third person singular
This is one of the few twists and turns in English
When the subject is not me, you, US, you, them, both or more, use the third person singular
The usage is different, some directly add s, some add es, and all kinds of others
give an example:
For example, are is the plural of the copula, the subject is plural, and the verb will change relative to the singular subject,
they are friend.they are playing football.i am a student.
When the subject is the singular third person, add s to the predicate
She, he, your father
English questions (plural nouns)
p. When paper is no longer paper, it can count
Is paper uncountable
Sheet simple complex homotype
English translation
1. Idioms
like a duck to water_______________
poor as a church mouse________________
at sixes and sevens_______________
spend money like water________________
as timid as ahare_______________
2. Idioms
He ate like a horse._____________________________
His word made my blood boil._____________________
He was sheding crocodile tears.__________________
You’ve gone too far.____________________________
I get butterllies in my stomach._________________
┬┴┬┌— ●—┬— │—┼—┐ ●├—┤○
┴┬┴├┬ ┌—┼— │◎ │ │ ○└┬┘●
—┼—││ │ │ ││—┴—┴ ——┼——
●│○││ ┴—┼— │○ ● / │ \
Like a duck to water poor as a church mouse
feel just like a fish in water
on one 's uppers
an unsettled state of mind
spend money like water
as timid as a mouse
He wolfed down
His words made me angry
He's fake compassion
You've gone too far
I'm nervous
like a duck to water_______________ Just like fish in water, easy
poor as a church mouse________________ on one 's uppers
at sixes and sevens_______________ at sixes and sevens
spend money like water________________ Spend money like water
1. Idioms
like a duck to water_______________ Just like fish in water, easy
poor as a church mouse________________ on one 's uppers
at sixes and sevens_______________ at sixes and sevens
spend money like water________________ Spend money like water
as timid as ahare_______________ as timid as a mouse
2. Idioms
He ate like a horse.______________ eat like wolves and tigers
His word made my blood boil._____________ His words made my blood boil
He was sheding crocodile tears.__ He's pretending to be merciful
You’ve gone too far._______________________ You have crossed the line!
I get butterllies in my stomach._________________ I'm up and down
like a duck to water_______________ feel just like a fish in water
poor as a church mouse________________ on one 's uppers
at sixes and sevens_______________ at sixes and sevens
spend money like water________________ spend money like water
as timid as ahare__ ... unfold
like a duck to water_______________ feel just like a fish in water
poor as a church mouse________________ on one 's uppers
at sixes and sevens_______________ at sixes and sevens
spend money like water________________ spend money like water
as timid as ahare_______________ as timid as a mouse
He ate like a horse.
His word made my blood boil.
He was hiding crocodile teas.
You've gone too far.
I get butterflies in my stomach. Put it away
1. Idioms
feel just like a fish in water
on one 's uppers
at sixes and sevens
spend money like water
as timid as a mouse
2. Idioms
He wolfed down
His words made my blood boil
He's putting on airs
You have crossed the line!
I feel anxious
1. Like a fish in water
2. Poverty
3. Chaos
4. Spend money like dirt
5. Be as timid as a mouse
He wolfed down
His words made me angry
He is false compassion
You are too much
I'm nervous
Like a duck to water
Poor as a church mouse
At sixes and sevens
Spend money like water
As timid as a hare
He ate like a hors
Like a duck to water
Poor as a church mouse
At sixes and sevens
Spend money like water
As timid as a hare
He ate like a horse
His word made my blood boil
He was pretending to be
You've gone too far
I get butterflies in my stomach
Like a duck to water
Poor as a church mouse
At sixes ahd sevens
Spend money like water
As timid as a hare
He ate like a horse.
His word made m
Like a duck to water
Poor as a church mouse
At sixes ahd sevens
Spend money like water
As timid as a hare
He ate like a horse.
His word made my blood boil.
He's playing chess.
You've gone too far.
I get butterflies in my stomach. Put it away
Like a duck to water
Poor as a church mouse
It's a mess
Spend money like water
As timid as a hare
He ate like a horse.
His word made m
Like a duck to water
Poor as a church mouse
At sixes ahd sevens
Spend money like water
As timid as a hare
He ate like a horse.
His word made my blood boil.
He was pretending.
You've gone too far.
I get butterflies in my stomach. Put it away
The usage of English singular and plural verbs
There is or are no pens?
Which verb do you choose?
There are no pens.PETS It's plural
Exercises of singular and plural nouns
______ parents cares about their child
The answer is neither. Why can't any? Is there anything else to fill in?
Because there are three simple forms after each other, singular form. After care, there is s
Any is followed by the plural