What is the English phrase of the word "universal"?

What is the English phrase of the word "universal"?

in general
The past tense of English Verbs
1. Begin began, drink drank, give gave, ring rang, sing sang, sit sat, swim swam 2. Drive drop, ride ride ride, write write 3. Change aw / ow in the original verb form to EW and change it into the past tense
Those verbs??
Which word? There are many kinds
1、 The changing forms of the past tense of verbs
Rule change:
1. Generally add ed after the original verb. For example: walk walked, play played, jump jumped
2. For verbs ending with silent e, add D directly at the end. Such as: skated skated, like like
3. For stressed closed syllable verbs ending with a vowel and a consonant, double the ending consonant and add ed. This condition is not easy to grasp, you can remember: first... Expand
1、 The changing forms of the past tense of verbs
Rule change:
1. Generally add ed after the original verb. For example: walk walked, play played, jump jumped
2. For verbs ending with silent e, add D directly at the end. Such as: skated skated, like like
3. For stressed closed syllable verbs ending with a vowel and a consonant, double the ending consonant and add ed. This condition is not easy to grasp, you can remember this: first determine the stress at the end of the closed syllable, the end is "consonant letter + vowel letter (read the side sound, that is, read the sound other than the alphabet.) +In the case of "consonant letter", double write the last consonant letter and add ed. Such as shop - shopped
Irregular changes are: had, said, got, did, hit, found, ran, lay, brown, shot, knew, green, tent, saw, ate, thought, bone, thought, feel, break, hurt, last, won, was, were.
The common ones are as follows: go went, eat ate, see saw, buy buy, teach take, think thought, fall fell, break break break, hurt hurt, is, am was, are were. Yesterday, I went to a restaurant to have a meal. When I saw Daniel, I bought him a ball and taught him how to play. He thought he would, but he fell down, broke his tail and hurt his tail. He was very pitiful, wasn't he?
2、 There are three pronunciations of regular verb ending with - ed
After the consonant [1]. For example: asked, helped, watched, stopped
2. Pronounce [D] after voiced consonants and vowels. For example: enjoyed, studied, moved, called
3. Read [ID] after t / d. Wanted, needed
Review the past tense of verbs
1、 The past tense of verbs
1. Add ed generally, such as watched, planted, watered, pulled, clipped, picked.
2. Add D ending with the silent letter E, such as like, live, tried, closed.
3. Change the ending consonant letter Y to I and add ed, such as study studied, copy copied.
4. For the stressed closed syllable ending with one vowel and one consonant, double write the last consonant and add ed, such as stop stopped.
2、 The past tense of irregular verbs
sit — sat drink —drank sing —sang begin —began
swim —swam give — gave ring —rang draw —drew
grow —grew fly —flew let — let read —read
put —put ride — rode write — wrote drive —drove
catch —caught think — thought buy —bought teach —taught
eat — ate say —said hear — heard make — made
speak — spoke keep — kept see — saw sleep — slept
find —found sweep — swept feel — felt tell —told
meet — met come — came get — got mean — meant
take —took am, is —was do —did have, has — had
Will - would can - could may - might shall - should
1. Add ed directly. For example: play played
2. End with a silent E and add D directly. like——liked
3. Stress the closed syllable, double the end, and add ed. run——runned
4. Add y at the end of consonant, change y to I, and add ed. study——studied。
5. Irregular changes. am——was are——were
(this is what my teacher said. I can't be wrong.)
Remember to choose me as the best answer! thank you! ... unfold
1. Add ed directly. For example: play played
2. End with a silent E and add D directly. like——liked
3. Stress the closed syllable, double the end, and add ed. run——runned
4. Add y at the end of consonant, change y to I, and add ed. study——studied。
5. Irregular changes. am——was are——were
(this is what my teacher said. I can't be wrong.)
Remember to choose me as the best answer! thank you! Put it away
A plural problem
Let Z be an imaginary number, w = Z + 1 / Z and - 1 ≤ w ≤ 1, find the value of | Z | and the value range of the real part of Z
(2) If B = 1-z / 1 + Z, we prove that B is a pure imaginary number
English noun verb phrases
Like do my home List a few more simple. There should be more than 20 Thank you
Junior English foundation is not good
Similar to do my home, do housework, go swimming, come to tea and so on
That I don't seem to want the verb ing, do I?
watch TV; go to cinema; drink beer; take a rest; go home;
sing a song; listen to music; read newspaper; turn on the light;answer questions;
ask questions;go to school; play computer games ; go fishing; make sentences;
see a doctor; read books; take a seat; buy a car; ride a bicycle;
visit friends~
Haha ~ 21 verbs can not be used with the same words
Go home, play football, go to work take a walk have a talk have dinner take a stroke make a bow lag behind set forth
go home, play foorball, go to work take a walk have a talk have dinner take a stroll make a bow lag behind set forth look at hand out go in for put forward give up make effort go shopping move around turn on turn off come by come alone go to swim
~~~~~~~~~~Put it away
play the piano
drive a car
take a rest
have a cup of tea
sing a song
set up a table
listen to the radio
watch TV
have a meal
1. going to school
2. cleaning my room
3. taking a bath
4. playing basketball
5.watching television
6.playing guitar
7.doing my assignment
8.taking a nap
9. Reviewing th
1. going to school
2. cleaning my room
3. taking a bath
4. playing basketball
5.watching television
6.playing guitar
7.doing my assignment
8.taking a nap
9.reviewing the lesson
10.drinking water
11.eating my dinner
12.buying things
13.using the computer
14.brushing my teeth
15.answering a question
16.asking a question
17.thinking of something
18.writing a novel
19.memorizing a poem
20. Listening to music
How to add the past tense?
Why are there so few double words and how to distinguish them
There are some special addition words listed,
The more detailed the better
It's because there are few words that need to be double written, so the teacher who comes across double writing will emphasize memorizing them
The direct addition of D ending with E,
There is no added ed at the end of E,
If y ends at the end, y becomes I plus ed
There are just a few situations in the past tense. It's not complicated and there won't be any test points
In general, ED is added directly;
End with a silent E and add D directly;
If it ends with a consonant and y, change y to I and add ed;
Stress the closed syllable, double write the last letter and add ed.
If the ending is y, change y into I and add ed
How to learn plural well?
1. It is known that the equation x ^ 2 - (6 + I) x + 9 + AI = 0 (a ∈ R) about X has real root B. if the complex Z satisfies the module of | z-a-bi | - 2 | Z | = 0, what is the minimum value of | Z |, and what is the minimum value?
2. The complex number Z is known, and Z / 1 + Z is a pure imaginary number. Find the trajectory equation of the point corresponding to (1) Z in the complex plane. The value range of (2) | Z-2 |
(1) I don't know if you have written the module of | z-a-bi | - 2 | Z | = 0 wrongly. No, | Z | can be solved directly, and the root sign is 7-1. This algebraic formula may have some ambiguity (2) z = a + bi, Z / 1 + Z = (a + bi) / (1 + A + bi), which is actually part [(a + 1 / 2) ^ 2 + B ^ 2-1 / 4] / [(1 + a) ^ 2-B ^ 2] = 0 (a + 1 / 2) ^
Common collocations and usages of English interlanguage phrases?
How to choose the leading words of the object clause?
To generally means who the action is applied to and who the target is, such as give sth to and pass sth to
There's too much to say. Give me your email. I'll put it in word format for you
In five years in the future call sb up = call sb call sb call sb all over the world = around the world on stage see if I can help you?
Write the plural of the following nouns and the past tense of the verbs
knife sheep shelf bus box city give make is
Plural: knives, sheets, shelves, buses, boxes, cities,
Verb past tense: give, make, was
The singular and plural forms of knife → knives sheet are consistent with those of shelf → shelves bus → buses city → cities
give→gave make→made is→was
Complex number calculation, (3 + 5I) (- 1 + I ^ 5) - (2 + I) ^ 3=
The original formula = (3 + 5I) (- 1 + I) - (8 + 12I + 6I & sup2; + I & sup3;)
What elements can English interlanguage phrases act as and how to judge what elements they act as
What kind of components can prepositional phrases act as in sentences;
How to judge what it acts as,
The second point is mainly about how to judge. For example, when prepositional phrases are used as adverbials, how can we judge that they are used as adverbial elements?
Prepositional phrases can be used as elements in a sentence, 1 as attributive, 2 as predicative, 3 as adverbial and 4 as object complement
Modifying nouns are attributives, such as a map of China
He is in the classroom
Modifying verbs are adverbials, such as we study for our country
They make us into the room
However, sometimes several components can be used for different meanings
I saw a book on the desk
The prepositional phrase on the desk can be used as an attributive adverbial object complement
I saw a book on the desk
I saw a book on the desk
I saw a book on the desk
If this happens, there is no need to argue and judge according to the context
Playing Chong Dang