All English verbs in the past tense

All English verbs in the past tense

A list of past tense and past participle of English irregular verbs
(1) Past tense, past participle
Cost cost
Cut cut
Hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt
Let let
Put put put
Read read
(2) AAB (the original form of the verb is the same as the past tense)
Beat beat
(3) ABA type (the original form of the verb is the same as the past participle)
Became became
Come come come
Run ran run
(4) ABB type (past tense and past participle in the same form)
Dig dig get get get get get
Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang
Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang
Hold hold hold shine shine shine shine
Sit sit sit win won won
Met met keep keep keep
Sleep sleep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep
Feel feel smile
Leave left build build build build
Lent lent sent sent sent sent
Spend spend spend lose lose lose
Burn burn learn learn
Mean mean
Catch catch
Teach, bring, bring
Fight fought
Buy buy
Think think think
Hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear
Sell sell sell tell tell tell tell tell
Say say say find find find find
Have / have had
Make make make
Stand stock stock understand understand understand understand understand understand understand
(5) ABC type (the original form of verb, past tense and past participle)
Begin began begun
Drink drink
Ring ring running sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing
Swim swim
Blow blow
Draw draw
Fly flow
Grow great grow
Know know know
Throw throw
Show shown
Break break break
Choose (choose)
Forget forget forget forget
Speak speak
Wake up
Drive drive
Eat eat eat fall fall fall
Give, give, give
Rose risen
Take tool take mistake mistook mistook mistaken
Ride ride ride write write write write
Do do
Go went gone
Lie lay lain see see see see see
Be (am, is, are)
The above is a list of irregular verb changes. I would like to add that apart from these, most of the verbs are regular
1. General direct addition
2. De e and D ending with e
3. There are some verbs with double ending letters and added ed, such as dropped
4. Verbs with consonant + y, go to y to change I and add ed
Are you clear?
Generally, no one answered. I know it's a market.
Finding the argument Arg (2-2i) of complex z = 2-2i
What's on the table
What are there on the table?
The past tense of verbs in primary school English
Grade five to grade six
No. Chinese original past tense past participle a B C form 1 drink drink drink dunk 2 ring rang running 3 sing sang sung 4 swim swim swim 5 begin begin begin begin begin begin begin 6 fall fall fall fall 7 grow GR
Serial number Chinese original past tense past participle
B form a
1 drink drank drank
Ring rang rung
Sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing
4 swim swim
5 begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin
6 fall fell fell
7 students
Serial number Chinese original past tense past participle
A B C form
1 drink drank drank
Ring rang rung
Sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing
4 swim swim
5 begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin
6 fall fell fell
7 growth, green growth
8 know know know
9 fly fly flow
10 blow blow blow
Take tool take
Make mistakes
13 drive drive
14 write write write
15 Rose Rose
16 ride ride ride ridden
Speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak
18 break break break
19 wake woke woken
Forget forget forget forget forget
21 choose choose choose choose
Eat ate eat
23 give gave given
24 see see see
Do did done
26 draw draw
27 lie lay lain
28 show shown show
29 go went gone
30 wear wear
31 is am, is was been
32 is are were been
A C form
Beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
A B a form
Come come come come
2 become become become become become become become
Run ran run
A B B form
1 bring brown brown
Fight fought fought
Think thought thought
2 buy buy buy buy
How to teach
4 catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch
5 sell sell sell sell sell
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell
Say said said said
8 payment
9 send send
10 ... lent lent lent
11 spend spend spend spend
12 build build build
13 burn burn burn
14 learn / learned learn / learned
Mean mean mean mean
16 feel feel feel feel
17. Smile smile
Sleep sleep sleep
19 sweep sweep sweep sweep
20 keep keep keep keep
21 lost lost lost lost
22 get get got got got
23 sit sat sat
24 dig dig dig
25 win won won
26 met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met
27 have had had
28 make make make make
Hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold
30 station stand stock
31 understand understand understand understand understand understand
32 dictation hear hear hear
33 find found
34 work worked worked
35 stay stayed stayed stayed stayed
36 happen happene
37 like like like like
38 trouble troubled troubled
39 hope hope hope
40 study studied
41 carry carried
Try tried tried
43 cry cry cry
44 worryworriedworried
45 stop stopped stopped
46 drop dropped dropped
47 prefer preferred preferred
48 travel traveled
49 use used used
50 Live Live Live
51 hurry hurry
52 can could
53 may might
54 must must must
55 will shall should
56 will would
57 Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang
hanged hanged
58 shine, shine
Irregular verbs past tense and past participle
A. Prototype, past tense, and past participle are totally different
drink---drank----drunk ring----rang-----rung swim----swam----swum sing----sang----sung
Sink --- sank --- sink blow --- blew --- blow grow --- grew --- GR
Irregular verbs past tense and past participle
A. Prototype, past tense, and past participle are totally different
drink---drank----drunk ring----rang-----rung swim----swam----swum sing----sang----sung
sink----sank----sunk blow----blew----blown grow----grew----grown know---knew---known
fly ----flew----flown take----took----taken shake----shook----shaken drive----drove----driven
write---wrote---written rise---rose---risen ride----rode----ridden speak----spoke----spoken
steal----stole----stolen break----broke----broken wake----woke----woken freeze----froze----frozen
forget----forgot----forgotten choose----chose----chosen draw----drew----drawn eat----ate----eaten
fall----fell----fallen give----gave----given hide----hid----hidden see----saw----seen
B. The past tense is exactly the same as the past participle
bright----brought----brought think----thought----thought fight----fought----fought buy----bought----bought
catch----caught----caught sell----sold----sold tell----told----told say----said----said
pay----paid----paid send----sent----sent lend----lent----lent spend----spent----spent
burn----burnt----burnt learn----learnt----learnt mean----meant----meant feel----felt----felt
smell----smelt----smelt sleep----slept----slept sweep---slept----slept leave----left----left
build----built----built lose----lost----lost get----got----got meet----met----met
sit----sat----sat shoot----shot----shot lead----led----led spit----spat----spat
have----had----had hold----held----held make----made----made stand----stood---stood
hear----heard----heard find----found----found dig----dug----dug shine----shone----shone
understand----understood----understood win----won----won
C. The prototype is the same as the past participle
come----came----come run----ran----run become----became----become
D. The original form is the same as the past tense and past participle
cast----cast----cast cut----cut----cut put----put----put let----let----let set----set----set
hit----hit----hit shut----shut----shut
Hang Hang Hang Hang lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Hanged --- hanged place lay --- laid --- laid place.
Verb past tense
be (am\ is) was
are were
come came
go went
do (does) did
fly flew
draw drew
make made
sing sang
have (has) had
eat ate
drink drank
put put
let let
read read
can could
see saw
meet met
get got
forget forgot
take took
can could
may might
shall should
will would
know knew
begin began
bend bent
build built
spend spent
mean meant
learn learnt learned
buy bought
think thought
teach taught