If the complex Z satisfies | Z + I | + | Z-I | = 2, then the value range of | Z + 1 + I | is___ What is its geometric meaning?

If the complex Z satisfies | Z + I | + | Z-I | = 2, then the value range of | Z + 1 + I | is___ What is its geometric meaning?

It is shown that the sum of the distances a (0, - 1) and B (0,1) of the point Z represented by z = x + Yi in the complex plane is 2
According to the definition of ellipse, point Z is located on line AB (degenerate ellipse)
And | Z + 1 + I | can represent the distance between Z and C (- 1, - 1)
So the minimum is 1 and the maximum is SQR (5)
Write the present participle, the third person singular and the past tense of the following verbs
getting, gets, got
meeting, meets, met
doing, does, did
reading, reads, read
hiking, hikes, hiked
swimming, swims, swam
hearing, hears, heard
watching, watches, watched
flying, flies, flew
running, runs, ran
getting, gets, got
meeting, meets, met
doing, does, did
reading, reads, read
hiking, hikes, hiked
swimming, swims, swam
hearing, hears, heard
watching, watches, watched
flying, flies, flew
running, runs, ran
The one on the first floor is right
The curve in the complex plane corresponding to the complex equation || Z + I | - || Z-I | = 2 is
Two rays (including end points)
|Z + I | is the distance from the moving point to a (0, - 1)
|Z-I | is the distance from the moving point to B (0,1)
The absolute value of the difference between two distances is equal to AB, representing two rays (including the end points)
This is what I learned when I learned hyperbola. If it is smaller than AB, it is hyperbola
This is an English
This is an English man
The plural is these are English men
Write the third person singular form, present participle and past tense of the following verbs
visit visited visitedread read readfly flew flownstudy studyed studyedget got gotopen opened openedswim swam swumsee saw seenwrite wrote writtenrun ran run
Let z = (m-1) + (m2-4m-5) I correspond to point Z in the complex plane, if the positions of points Z satisfy the following conditions respectively
Let z = (m-1) + (m2-4m-5) I correspond to the point Z in the complex plane. If the position of the point Z satisfies the following requirements respectively, find the conditions that the real number m satisfies
(1) Not on real axis
(2) On the imaginary axis
(3) Below the real axis (excluding the real axis)
(4) To the right of the imaginary axis (excluding the imaginary axis)
(1) If it is not on the real axis, the imaginary part is not zero, that is, m square - 4m-5 is not equal to 0, so m is not equal to - 1 and 5
(2) The imaginary axis indicates that the real part is zero, that is, M-1 = 0, M = 1
(3) Below the real axis (excluding the real axis), the imaginary part is less than 0, that is, m square - 4m-5 is less than 0, so - 1
(1) If the point Z in the complex plane is not on the real axis, then
M & # 178; - 4m-5 ≠ 0, the solution is obtained
M ≠ 5 and m ≠ - 1;
(2) If the point Z in the complex plane is not on the imaginary axis, then
M-1 ≠ 0
(3) If the point Z in the complex plane is below the real axis (excluding the real axis), then
What is this in English
Thank you very much!
What are these in english.
what are these in english?
First, second and third person? Singular / plural?
What's more, for example, when you meet the 1 / 2 / 3 person, how can you do something like have is are
Better make it clear. List the best. I feel dizzy now. I'd better list why
I am a student. She is a student. You are a student
I you:have
It is known that the complex number W satisfies W-4 = (3-2w) I (I is an imaginary unit), z = 5 / W + (W-2). A quadratic equation of one variable with real number system as root is obtained
This is a map of China
These are maps of China.
These are maps of China.