The least common multiple of two prime numbers is 209, and these two prime numbers are______ And______ .

The least common multiple of two prime numbers is 209, and these two prime numbers are______ And______ .

Decompose 209, the quality factor is: 209 = 11 × 19
The sum of two continuous prime numbers is 30. The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of these two numbers are
There are at least two A1, B2, C3 and D
The prime number is 13, 17, and the least common multiple is the greatest common factor 1 of their product
These two prime numbers are 13 and 17. I can't understand your question.
13 17 11 19 23 7
Even numbers are definitely not prime numbers, except 2 and 1, which should be the three groups..
If the greatest common factor of two prime numbers is 1 and the least common multiple is 323, what are the two numbers?
Then the two numbers are 17 and 19
17 and 19
The two numbers are 17 and 19 respectively
Is it necessary to use plural noun after one of + superlative
What about deterrence
Yes, it is
Guilin is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
Come on! Ask again if you don't understand!
Given the complex number Z = (1-I) ^ 2 + 3 (1 + I) / 2-I, if Z ^ 2 + AZ + B = 1-I, find the value of real numbers a and B/
Z = (1-I) & #178; + 3 (1 + I) / (2-I) = - 2I + 3 (1 + I) (2 + I) / 5 = - 2I + 3 (1 + 3I) / 5 = 3 / 5-1 / 5 I if Z & #178; + AZ + B = 1-I, then √ [(3 / 5) & #178; + (1 / 5) & #178;] + 3A / 5 + B-A / 5 I = 1-I, that is √ 10 / 5 + 3A / 5 + B-A / 5 I = 1-ia, B ∈ R, then √ 10 / 5 + 3A / 5 + B = 1-A -..., defined by the equality of complex numbers
Given the complex number Z = (1-I) &# 178; + 3 (1 + I) / (2-I), if Z & # 178; + AZ + B = 1-I, find the value of real numbers a and B?
Substituting Z & # 178; + AZ + B = 1-I, we get [(3-I) / 5] &# 178; + a (3-I) /... Expansion
Given the complex number Z = (1-I) &# 178; + 3 (1 + I) / (2-I), if Z & # 178; + AZ + B = 1-I, find the value of real numbers a and B?
Substituting Z & # 178; + AZ + B = 1-I, we get [(3-I) / 5] &# 178; + a (3-I) / 5 + B = 1-i
Expand the square term to: (8-6i) / 25 + a (3-I) / 5 + B = 1-i
Multiply 25 by both sides to get the denominator: 8-6i + 5A (3-I) + 25B = 25 (1-I)
The results show that: (19-5a) I + 25B + 15a-17 = 0
So 19-5a = 0, that is, a = 19 / 5; 25B + 15 × (19 / 5) - 17 = 25B + 40 = 0, so B = - 40 / 25 = - 8 / 5
That is, a = 19 / 5, B = - 8 / 5
On the singular and plural in English
The noodles with orange juice ( )only 1.5yuan. B.are
In this paper, we use is as a whole or are as a simple complex problem?
Noodle is a countable noun. Why do you often use the plural
What simple food is a part of the diets of most peoples in almost all countries of the word? Strange as it may sound, the answer is the noodle.
Noodles come in H
Noodle is a countable noun. Why do you often use the plural
What simple food is a part of the diets of most peoples in almost all countries of the word? Strange as it may sound, the answer is the noodle.
Noodles come in hundreds of forms, ranging from long thin spaghetti, to Shaw elbow of macaroni to Chinese style fried noodles
A。 Take it as a whole and use is. Noodles and orange juice are only 1.5 yuan. Because it refers to the unit price of a bag of noodles, so use is
When to add plural nouns after some? When to add singular nouns
The number of some table is plural
Some days
Some denotes an odd number
Some day
Given the complex number Z = i-2i ^ 2, if AZ + B = 0, find the value of real numbers a and B
Z + B = 0, Z has a line above it
A horizontal line is a bar, indicating that AZ is a number
Singular and plural in English problems
There are many _____ on the mountain.
A apple tree B apples trees Capples tree D apple trees
Which should be the answer?
This is the plural of compound nouns, such as apple tree, pencil box, etc. in most cases, the latter noun can be pluralized. But if the former word is woman / man, such as woman teacher, then both of them can be plural
Trees, not apples
Such + singular countable noun + plural countable noun
Excuse me, can you give me some examples?
It's such a beautiful butterfly
They're such losers
Two or more are plural
)S: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers?
2) For nouns ending with s, x, SH and CH, add es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches?
3) A noun ending with a consonant letter and Y becomes I plus es: cities, babies, enemies
Two or more are plural
)S: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers?
2) For nouns ending with s, x, SH and CH, add es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches?
3) For nouns ending with consonant letter and y, change y into I plus es: cities, babies, enemies.? 4) for nouns ending with f or Fe, most of them change f into V Plus es: winds, knives. But some words only add s: roofs, proof s, chief S?
5) For nouns ending with O, some add es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes. Others add s: Radio s, zoos, pianos, photos?
6) Irregular nouns: foot → feet, goose → geese, tooth → tea, child → children, man → me n, woman → women, sheet → sheet, deer → deer, mouse → mice
7) Some loanwords are plural: datum → data, medium → media, bacterium → bacteria, curvature → curvature, criterion → criteria, phenomenon → phenomena. (? Um /? On → a)? Analysis → analyses, basis → bases, crisis → crises, diagnosis → diagnoses. (? Is → es)?
8) Plural compound nouns: compound nouns ending with uncountable nouns have no plural form, such as home?
A compound noun prefixed with man or woman becomes plural, and both nouns become plural, such as: manservant → menservants, woman student, women students?
Other compound nouns are plural: grow? Up → grow? UPS, brother? In? Law → brothers? In? Law, stand? By → stand? By?
9) When compound adjectives are used as attributives, the nouns in them remain singular: a six? Year? Old boy, a two? Hundred? Page book
such a good student
such a kind man
such a beautiful girl
such a pretty boy
Note: weather is an uncountable noun, should say: such good weather