Two numbers, a prime number, a composite number, the greatest common factor is 3, the least common multiple is 36, which two numbers are they Piece by piece

Two numbers, a prime number, a composite number, the greatest common factor is 3, the least common multiple is 36, which two numbers are they Piece by piece

3 36
The least common multiple of the three primes is 105. The three primes are (), (), ()
The least common multiple of the three primes is 105. The three primes are (3), (5), (7)
12 tons, increase it by a quarter, and then reduce it by a quarter. What is the result? The least common multiple of the three prime numbers is 105. What are the three prime numbers?
The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 42. What is the greatest common factor of the three numbers?
The average number of a, B and C is 66. A: B = 1: B: C = 4: B is?
=11.25 (tons)
2.3 and 5 and 7
That's 13.3
So the greatest common factor is 1
4. The sum of three numbers is 198
A: B = 1:2, B: C = 4:5
So a: B: C = 2:4:5
So a = 36, B = 72, C = 90
The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 42. What is the greatest common factor of these three numbers? The average number of a, B and C is 66, a: B = 1:2, B: C = 4:5, and B is?
The least common multiple of three prime numbers is 105. What is the sum of the three prime numbers
Obviously, the three prime numbers are 3, 5 and 7
Sum = 3 + 5 + 7 = 15
If the complex number Z = 1 + I, and the real numbers a and B satisfy AZ + 2B. Z = (a + 2Z) 2, find the value of the real numbers a and B (where. Z is the conjugate complex number of Z)
∵ complex number Z = 1 + I, and real numbers a and B satisfy AZ + 2B. Z = (a + 2Z) 2, ∵ a + AI + 2b-2bi = (a + 2 + 2I) 2, ∵ (a + 2b) + (a-2b) I = (A2 + 4a) + (4A + 8) I. from the definition of complex number equality, a + 2B = A2 + 4AA − 2B = 4A + 8, and the solution is a = − 4B = 2 or a = − 2B = − 1
On the singular and plural in English
The attachment is the solution of three questions.
The attachment is solutions of three questions.
It seems that there is no plural noun after is, but solutions should be used in this sentence because there are several solutions
Which of these two sentences is right?
Second, the singular and plural of a sentence depends on the subject, which has nothing to do with the following words. This sentence is not an inverted sentence, so you don't need to look at the following solution
The subject is the singular of attachment
The first sentence is correct. The problem of singular and plural mainly depends on the subject. If the subject is singular, then the corresponding verb is also singular. Moreover, if the predicate verb is singular, it can only be followed by the singular. That's the rule.
Should some other be followed by singular or plural nouns?
It depends on the specific situation
He bestirred himself about some other details and Carrie rocked on.
He asked some other details, but Carrie went on rocking in the rocking chair
I'd better leave you attending to your business.We can have a chat some other time.
Let's get down to business. We'll talk about it another day
From modern Chinese English Comprehensive Dictionary
It's plural, because it's some
Answer: the noun after some other should be plural
For reference only_ ∩)O~】
[your 10 satisfaction, unlimited motivation of our team]
The singular and plural are OK, but the meaning is different
Some other + singular noun: something
Some other + plural noun: something else
Some other is followed by a complex number.
any of various alternatives; some other; "put it off to another (or some other) day。
The above answers are for your reference! Hope to help you!
Hangzhou Library
That's fine. It depends on the situation. :
He bestirred some other details of himself, and Carrie was shocked
He offered some other details, but Carrie went on rocking the chair.
I'll leave you for your business. We can have a chat, some other time.
I'll keep you busy with something serious some other day.
From China modern comprehensive English Dictionary
That's fine. It depends on the situation. :
He bestirred some other details of himself, and Carrie was shocked
He offered some other details, but Carrie went on rocking the chair.
I'll leave you for your business. We can have a chat, some other time.
I'll keep you busy with something serious some other day.
From Chinese modern comprehensive English Dictionary
Given the complex number Z = (1 + I) ^ 2 + 3 (1-I) / 2 + I, find the size of the module | Z | of the complex number Z, if there are real numbers a and B such that Z ^ 2 + AZ + B = - Z (z is below the horizontal)
The first problem is: ∵ z = (1 + I) ^ 2 + 3 (1-I) / 2 + I = 1 + 2i-1 + 3 / 2-I / 2 + I = 3 / 2 - (5 / 2) I. ∵ z = √ [(3 / 2) ^ 2 + (- 5 / 2) ^ 2] = √ (9 / 4 + 25 / 4) = 6 / 2 = 3. The second problem is: ∵ z = 3 / 2 - (5 / 2) I, the conjugate complex number of ∵ z = 3 / 2 + (5 / 2) ^ 2]
The singular and plural of English nouns
On the other hand, as the only child in the family, they can't enjoy the happiness from brother or sister
Yes. As long as brother and sister keep the same singular and plural, there will be no grammatical errors
1、 Countable nouns are singular and plural.
A: The rules of plural change of countable nouns are as follows:
1. In general, add s: book --- books mouth --- mouths house --- houses girl --- girls
2. Add es: class --- classes box --- boxes match --- match... Ending with s, SH, CH, X
1、 Countable nouns are singular and plural.
A: The rules of plural change of countable nouns are as follows:
General situation: 1
2. Add es: class --- classes box --- boxes match --- matches ending with s, SH, CH and X
3. The ending of the consonant letter + y is changed to I plus es: city --- cities country --- countries party --- parties factory --- factories
4. The words ending with O + es only have the following words: Heroes Negroes, tomoto es, potato es, zeroes / zeros
Ends with O and ends with two vowels + s radio, zoo, bamboo, (pianos, kilos photos)
Fe, V or 5
thief wife life knife wolf half leaf shelf
The thief’s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life.
B: Pronunciation rules of noun endings:
A. Read [S] cups, hats, cakes, roofs after [P] [t] [k] [F]
B. Read [iz] glasses, faces, roses after [S] [Z] [∫] [t ∫]
C. In other cases, it means [Z] beds days cities knives
D. Words ending with th are read in the first place, followed by the last
For example: mouth mouth path paths;
But there are also unchangeable ones, such as: month months, Ninth ninths, youth
C: The change rules of irregular countable nouns are as follows
Mice climb the lampstand and steal oil.
Men act as police to protect women and children;
English teeth bite French feet;
He raised a Japanese sheep and gave it to the Chinese;
He raised a deer and a goose and sold them to the Swiss.—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, goose—geese child—children, mouse—mice,
2. The singular and plural are the same: sheet, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss
3. When man and woman are used to modify nouns to form compound words, both words change
man servant—men servants. (boy/girl students
I wish you progress in your study and make progress! (*^__ ^*) put it away
Is there a singular or plural noun after "such as"
Such as such as egg or an egg or egg