The least common multiple of a prime number and a composite number must be the product of the two numbers. Is it right or wrong

The least common multiple of a prime number and a composite number must be the product of the two numbers. Is it right or wrong

For example, the least common multiple of prime number 2 and composite number 4 is 4
It's not a product of two and four
Like three and six
The least common multiple is 6
not always
If the composite number is a multiple of a prime number, the least common multiple is the composite number
The least common multiple of two prime numbers is 91, which are () and ()
7 and 13
7 and 13
What must be the product of two prime numbers
The product of two prime numbers must be a composite number
Hehe, it must not be prime.
Is a composite number, because there is 2 in the prime number, so it is not necessarily odd or even
It must be sum!
Total number
It's a total
Because 1 is not prime
Woman plural
Such + A / an + Adjective + noun
This one has the same meaning as that one. So and such have different usages. A and an have different positions
It's OK for the landlord to remember. It's usually so such
After all, the usage of "good man" is not to be fixed
Such + A / an + Adjective + noun
So + Adjective + A / an + noun
Let X and y be real numbers, and x1 − I + Y1 − 2I = 51 − 3I, then x + y=______ .
X1 − I + Y1 − 2I = x (1 + I) 2 + y (1 + 2I) 5 = (x2 + Y5) + (x2 + 2y5) I, and 51 − 3I = 5 (1 + 3I) 10 = 12 + 32i, so x2 + Y5 = 12 and X2 + 2y5 = 32, the solution is x = - 1, y = 5, so x + y = 4
The plural of a woman is
The plural form of woman is women, just as the plural form of man is men
A change to e
So + Adjective + A / an + noun = such ++
Such + A / an + Adjective + noun
To find the complex Z which is conjugate with the square of itself
Let z = a + bi, then (a + bi) ² = a-bia & #178; + 2abi + (BI) ² = a-bi (A & #178; - B & #178;) + 2abi = a-bi, so 1, a & #178; - B & #178; = a, 2, 2Ab = - B from formula 2, when B = 0, 2Ab = - B, substituting formula to get a & #178; = a, a = 0 or 1 from formula 2, when B ≠ 0, 2A =
(a + bi) ^ 2 = a-bi to get a = 0 is pure imaginary number
On the singular and plural in English
there are more than a dozen _____ in the bowl.(gold-fish)
he is making a study of fresh-water _____ .(fish )
A dozen a dozen
It's followed by the plural
Fish as a general term is uncountable
Freshwater fish
Fish is a noun
Fish is an uncountable noun
The first question refers to the individual of the fish, the specific fish goldfish to use the plural
The second study of freshwater fish is the singular
In the first question, gold fish refers to goldfish, that is, a specific kind of fish, so it is a countable noun. After a dozen, there are twelve goldfish.
The second question, like the one on the first floor, refers to a certain kind of fish. Fish is an uncountable noun when it is used as a fish.