Two numbers are prime. The least common multiple of these two numbers is 35. These two numbers are. Both numbers are combined. The greatest common factor is 2. These two numbers are least common

Two numbers are prime. The least common multiple of these two numbers is 35. These two numbers are. Both numbers are combined. The greatest common factor is 2. These two numbers are least common

These two numbers are prime numbers. The least common multiple of these two numbers is 35. These two numbers are 5 and 7
Two numbers are combined, the greatest common factor is 2, and the smallest of these two numbers are 4 and 6
5 and 7
4 and 6
1: 5 and 7
2: 4 and 6
Given the complex number Z = (1-I) 2 + 1 + 3I, if Z2 + AZ + B = 1-I, a, B ∈ R, then the value of real number pair (a, b) is______ .
∵ complex z = (1-I) 2 + 1 + 3I = 1 + I, Z2 + AZ + B = 1-I, ∵ a + B + (a + 2) I = 1-I, ∵ a + B = 1, a + 2 = - 1, ∵ a = - 3, B = 4, so the answer is (- 3, 4)
The singular and plural of English nouns
My parents seldom permit me to go out at night,so I should ask them for their permisson first.
Can I use permissions in a sentence
Permission. Is both countable and uncountable
As a countable noun, it means: license; written permission
This can be in the plural, such as oil exploration permissions
As an uncountable noun, it is permission, permission and approval;
There is no plural. As you have written
Can you add the plural after "such"?
Sometimes it can be like this
Before the corresponding limit of the such, refers to the previously mentioned a kind
He noticed her necklaces. Such jewels must have cost though, he thought
Description: it is known that the complex Z satisfies Z-4 = (3-2z) I 1. Find the complex Z 2. If Z + W and (Z + 1) W are both real numbers, find a quadratic equation with real coefficient and one root of W
Because Z-4 = (3-2z) I, so Z-4 = 3i-2zi, then (1 + 2I) z = 4 + 3I, then z = (4 + 3I) / (1 + 2I) = 2-I, let w = a + bi, Z + W = (a + 2) + (B-1) I (Z + 1) w = (3-I) (a + bi) = (3a + b) + (3b-a) I, because Z + W and (Z + 1) W are real numbers, so B-1 = 0, 3b-a = 0, a = 3, B = 1, w = 3 + I and W is one of them
1. Because Z-4 = (3-2z) I
So Z-4 = 3i-2zi
2. Let w = a + bi, then
If Z + W and (Z + 1) W are both real numbers
So B-1 = 0, 3b-a = 0
The singular and plural in English
I love my dog or I love my dogs?
I love my dog. Or I love my dogs
The difference lies in that the former is a dog and the latter is more than two dogs. The choice of sentence depends on the actual situation or the clues given in the article
I love my dog
It depends on how many dogs you have,
If there's only one, it's I love my dog
If there are more than two, I love my dogs
Happy Spring Festival! come on. If you don't understand, ask again! If it can help you, please take it. Thank you!
*********... unfold
It depends on how many dogs you have,
If there's only one, it's I love my dog
If there are more than two, I love my dogs
Happy Spring Festival! come on. If you don't understand, ask again! If it can help you, please take it. Thank you!
************************************************************************Put it away
Of course, if you only like one dog, use the first one. If you have two or more dogs, use the second one~
Can that refer to a plural noun?
He bought two tickets to Lon and told her he put___ into her handbag. B.them C.this D.that
Why can't b? But I think D. that should be that?
They are the accusative case of the two tickets
If you use that, you need to add tickets after that
Given the complex number Z = 1 + I, the conjugate complex number of Z is denoted as Z1. Find the real numbers a and B such that AZ + 2bz1 = (a + 2Z) & sup2;
The application of English singular and plural
Why do kilo and mango add s and es
Living animals
Inanimate plus s photos kilos
It's a fixed match
Does the plural need to be changed into families?
Please give me a hand