a. B and C are prime numbers, a = a × a × B, B = a × B × C, the greatest common factor of a and B is______ The least common multiple is______ .

a. B and C are prime numbers, a = a × a × B, B = a × B × C, the greatest common factor of a and B is______ The least common multiple is______ .

Because a = a × a × B, B = a × B × C, the common prime factors of a and B are a and B, the unique prime factor of a is a, and the unique prime factor of B is C. Therefore, the greatest common factor of a and B is a × B = ab, and the least common multiple is a × B × a × C = a2bc
What are the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 12 and 42?
14. Least common multiple and greatest common factor of 28 and 70
The least common multiple is 140
The greatest common factor is 14
According to the characteristics of RLC series resonance, how to judge whether the circuit has reached resonance?
Judging under the experiment of RLC circuit characteristic research
1. Measure the voltage of the amplifier or reference tube,
2. Measure the waveform of resistance pin in series with C with oscilloscope
Let's try to find the vertices of the three parallelogram corresponding to the complex number (OAI + 2.0A, OAI + 2.0A) respectively
What is the plural of French?
The singular is French man
French can also be used to express French
Frenchman: [ 'frentʃmən ]
n. The French
Examples and usage:
1. It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world.
The French are said to be one of the most romantic peoples in the world.
2. It is said
Frenchman: [ 'frentʃmən ]
n. The French
Examples and usage:
1. It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world.
The French are said to be one of the most romantic peoples in the world.
2. It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.
The French are said to be the best gardeners in the world.
3. He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
He is so fluent in French that he is supposed to be French
4. An englishman think seated, a frenchman, standing, an american, pacing, an irishman, afterward.
The British sit and think, the French stand and think, the Americans walk and think, and the Irish wait and think. Put it away
Singular French man -- plural French
A question about the plural
Remember: given | (Z + I) / (Z-I) | = 1 and Z + (2 / z) ∈ R, find Z
The answer is Z = ± root 2 I. If I set z = x + Yi, I can only calculate x = 0, so if y ≠ 0, I can't calculate it
Let z = x + Yi, (x, y ∈ R), then Z + 2 / z = x + Yi + 2 / (x + Yi) = x + 2x / (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;) + [y-2y / (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;)] i
From Z + (2 / z) ∈ R, y-2y / (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;) = 0
So y = 0 or X & sup2; + Y & sup2; = 2
If y = 0, then z = X. | (Z + I) / (Z-I) | = | (x + I) / (X-i) | = | (x + I) / | (X-i) | = 1 holds
If X & sup2; + Y & sup2; = 2, then | (Z + I) / (Z-I) | = | (x + (y + 1) I | / | x + (Y-1) I | = √ [x & sup2; + (y + 1) & sup2;] / √ [x & sup2; + (Y-1) & sup2;] = √ (2Y + 3) / √ (- 2Y + 3) = 1, y = 0
So Z is any real number
|The formula (Z + I) / (Z-I) | = 1 is wrong
Parallelogram oabc, vertex o.a.c. represents 0,3 + 2 I, negative 2 + 4I respectively, try to find the complex number of vector Ao, the complex number of vector BC
Parallelogram oabc, vertex o.a.c. represent 0,3 + 2 I, negative 2 + 4I respectively, try to find the complex number of vector Ao, the complex number of vector BC, and the complex number of diagonal vector ca
Vector OA = (3,2), that is: Ao = (- 3, - 2)
So the complex number corresponding to Ao: - 3-2i
Vector BC = Ao
So the complex number corresponding to BC: - 3-2i
So the complex number of Ca is 5-2i
What is the plural of French English?
French plural
the French   a Frenchman two Frenchmen
Singular and plural of people from different countries
The Chinese a Chinese two Chinese
The Swiss a Swiss two Swiss
The an two
     Australians   Australian Australians                 
The Russians a Russian two Russians
The Italians an Italian two Italians
The Greek a Greek two Greeks
The French a French man two French men
The Japanese a Japanese two Japanese
The Americans an American two Americans
The Indians an Indian two Indians
The Canadians a Canadian two Canadians
The Germany a Germany two Germany
The English an Englishman two Englishmen
two French
High school plural and application problems!
(1) In the range of complex number, solve the quadratic equation of one variable x square + 4x + 5 = 0 (2) in the range of complex number, decompose the factor X Cubic + 2x square + 3x + 6 (3) in the plane of complex number, the distance between the complex number Z and the corresponding point of complex number - 1-I is known to be 1, and find Z * conjugate complex number Z + (1-I) Z + (1 + I) * conjugate complex number Z, The part of a citizen's monthly salary that does not exceed 3500 yuan is not taxable, and the part that exceeds 3500 yuan is the taxable income of the whole month, This tax is calculated by the following sections: 5% of the monthly taxable income tax rate is less than 1000 yuan, 10% of the monthly taxable income tax rate is more than 1000 yuan to 3000 yuan, 20% of the monthly taxable income tax rate is more than 3000 yuan to 6500 yuan, and Y (yuan) is expressed as a function of monthly salary x (yuan)
1. X = - 2 + I or x = - 2-I 2. (x + radical 3 I) (x - radical 3 I) (x + 2)