Find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple 30 and 45 7 and 9 21 and 35 17 and 68 of the following groups

Find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple 30 and 45 7 and 9 21 and 35 17 and 68 of the following groups

30 and 45
Maximum common factor = 3 × 5 = 15
LCM = 15 × 2 × 3 = 90
7 and 9
All prime numbers
Greatest common factor = 1
Least common multiple = 1 × 7 × 9 = 63
21 and 35
Greatest common factor = 7
Least common multiple = 7 × 3 × 5 = 105
17 and 68
Greatest common factor = 17
Least common multiple = 68
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Simple plural calculation, urgent, plus 50 points
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|X | = under the root sign (2 ^ 2 + (- 1) ^ 2) = the root sign 5; the common complex number of X is 2 + I; find 1 / x + 1 / y, divide it first, and then multiply it by (5-5i)
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Title, such as
The value can be obtained after substitution
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There are five exceptions: Hero radio zoo Negro photo
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But I don't want this. I know the definition of plural.
What I want to ask is why we should define it in this way, and why it can make the calculation easier.
Real functions can solve many equations. Why a complex function?
The essence of complex number is negative open root, such as root - 1 = I or - I. its appearance increases the computational domain space by one dimension, that is, from real number space to complex number space, which expands the scope of calculation. As for simplicity, this point is mostly due to its definition. When we define the imaginary number unit I as: Root - 1 = I or - I, then root - 1 + root
5 +√ - 15 = 5 +√ 15I, which was invented by kardan. This expression is called plural
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Given the dark group Z-2 | Z (the conjugate complex of Z) | = - 12-6i, find the complex Z,
Because | Z | = | Z_ ,
So let | Z | = x (be a real number),
Then z = (2x-12) - 6I,
Then | Z | ^ 2 = x ^ 2 = (2x-12) ^ 2 + (- 6) ^ 2,
So x ^ 2 = 4x ^ 2-48x + 144 + 36,
It is reduced to x ^ 2-16x + 60 = 0,
The results show that (X-6) (X-10) = 0,
The solution is x = 6 or x = 10,
So z = - 6I or Z = 8-6i
Are all the words plural
Generally, it is, but it often appears as a phrase. The key depends on whether the word followed by it is countable or not. It is followed by the plural of countable nouns. If it is not countable, it should be followed by the singular
A simple complex calculation, urgent, plus 50 points
Given the complex number x = 2-I, y = 1 + 3I, find the module length of X and the conjugate complex number of X, find the value of 1 / x + 1 / y
The conjugate complex number is 2-i
If I is known to be an imaginary unit and z = 13 + I, then the real part of Z is______ .
The complex z = 13 + I = 3 − I (3 + I) (3 − I) = 310 − I10. The real part of the complex z = 13 + I is 310
How to write the plural of a word
When a proper noun ending in Y or a noun ending in vowel + y becomes plural, add s directly to make it plural: e.g. two Marys the Henry money -- months holiday