A and B are coprime numbers, and their greatest common factor is______ The least common multiple is______ .

A and B are coprime numbers, and their greatest common factor is______ The least common multiple is______ .

Because a and B are coprime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1 and their least common multiple is ab
A and B are coprime numbers, and their greatest common factor is______ The least common multiple is______ .
Because a and B are coprime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1 and their least common multiple is ab
A and B are coprime numbers. The greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()
A and B are coprime numbers. The greatest common factor of a and B is (1), and the least common multiple is (AB)
What is the English plural word of peach?
Let Z be a complex number and a (z) denote the smallest positive integer n satisfying Zn = 1, then for the imaginary number unit I, a (I)=______ .
Positive integers are: 1, 2, 3, 4 When n = 4, the equation holds for the first time, so a (I) = 4, so the answer is: 4
If the complex number 1 + bi / 2 + I = 1 / 2. (B is a real number, I is an imaginary unit), then B=
Canadian, Canadian, Canadian plural how to write in English
And the United States. Australia. Singapore. Paris. France. Britain
Canadian plural Canadians
American English
Singaporean sinqaporean
French men
Canadians Australia Singapore Paris French French British Canadian
If the complex Z satisfies the equation Z2 + 2 = 0, then Z3 = ()
A. ±22B. −22C. −22iD. ±22i
From Z2 + 2 = 0 {z = ± 2I} Z3 = ± 22I, D
It is known that the equation of x 2 - (6 + I) x + 9 + AI = 0 (a ∈ R) has real root B. (1) find the value of real numbers a and B. (2) if the complex Z satisfies |. Z-a-bi | - 2 | Z | = 0, then | Z | has the minimum value and the value of | Z |
(1) The real root of the equation X2 - (6 + I + 6 + I) x + 9 + AI = 0 (a ∈ R) is the real root of the equation X2 - (6 + 6 + 6 + I) x + 9 + 8 (b2-6b + 9) + (a-b) is the real root of the equation X2 - (6 + 6 + I) x + 9 + 9 (a-b2-6b + 9) + (b2-6b-6b + 9 (a-b) I = 0 (a {(b2-6b-6b + 6B + 9) + (a-b) I = 0, I = 0, I = 0, the solution of the solution of the solution to the solution to the solution of the equation equation X2 - (6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 (b2-6b-6b + b2-6b + 6B + 6B + b) I = 4 (x2 + x2 + Y2 + Y2 + Y2) is (x2 + 2) (x2 + 2 + Y2 + 2) (x2 + Y2 + 2 + 2 + 2 Fig, When Z point is on the line of oo1, | Z | has a maximum or minimum, | oo1 | = 2, radius r = 22, | when z = 1-I, | Z | has a minimum and | Z | min = 2
Excuse me, how do you read the plural s in English?
Common words with s: if the end is consonant / vowel, read Z, voiceless, read s, consonant + y, change to ies: read [iz] and end with s, Z, etc., add - es: read [iz] (some phonetic symbols can't be typed here) and end with th, add es at the end, stress and light are also different, but the phonetic symbols can't be typed here