A = 2 × 3 × N2, B = 3 × N3 × 5, (n is prime), then the greatest common divisor of a and B is______ The least common multiple is______ .

A = 2 × 3 × N2, B = 3 × N3 × 5, (n is prime), then the greatest common divisor of a and B is______ The least common multiple is______ .

A = 2 × 3 × N2, B = 3 × N3 × 5 (n is prime), so the greatest common divisor of a and B is 3 × N2; the least common multiple of a and B is 2 × 3 × N3 × 5; so the answer is: 3 × N2, 2 × 3 × N3 × 5
A = 2 × 3 × n, B = 2 × n & # 178;, n is a prime number greater than 3. When the greatest common factor of a and B is 10, their least common multiple is
One hundred and fifty
A: the least common multiple is 1.2N;. Follow up: This is the standard.
Because 10 is not a multiple of 3, the greatest common factor of a and B is 2n
A: the least common multiple is 150.
In English, the adjective forms of different countries and the changes of the singular and plural of Chinese people
I'd like to know the adjective forms of some common countries, such as India span Franch England British geece Italy, and the singular and plural changes of Chinese people
The adjectives of country are singular (plural) India --- > Indian --- > Indian (s) span --- > Spanish --- > Spanish France --- > French --- > French / Men / woman / women England --- > English --- > English / Men / woman / women Britain ---
India --> Indian -->Indian(s)
Spain --> Spanish --> Spanish-->Spanish
France -->French --> Frenchman/men/woman/women
England --> English --> Englishman/men/ woman/women
Britain --> British --> Britshman/men/woman/women
Greece --> Greek --> Greek --> Greek
Italy --> Italian --> Italian(s)
The adjective form has been said above. There is a formula for the plural change of Guo Ren: China and Japan remain unchanged, English and French change, and the rest are followed by S.
Chinese and Japanese refer to the singular and plural of Chinese, while English and French refer to English man and English woman. French man and French woman both change a into e, and the rest are followed by S
How much is 5I / 1-2i? Solve complex problems
Is the word CD in the plural?
The plural is CDs
The plural is CDs
Measuring capacitance by RLC series circuit resonance method
The measured CX is connected in series with known R (size does not affect) and l, and powered by AC signal source. The voltage at both ends of LCX is monitored by voltmeter, and the frequency of AC signal source is changed. When the reading of voltmeter is 0,
C = 1 / [(2 π f) square] * l,
In fact, C also contains the distributed capacitance C0 of inductance L. to accurately measure, CX should be calculated according to C = CX string C0
(Note: C0 of standard inductance L is known)
The new complex numbers with the imaginary part of 2I - √ 2 as the real part and the real part of √ 5I + 2I & # as the imaginary part are
The form of imaginary number is AI + B, so a = 2I - radical 2, B = radical 5I + 2I, the answer is - 4 + (radical 5 - radical 2) I
That isn't my CD
thoes aren't my CDs
Those aren't my/our CDs.
thoes aren't my CDs
Some problems about RLC circuit resonance
1. When the total current of RLC series circuit resonates, does the voltage Uc at both ends of capacitor also resonate?
2. Can the resonant characteristics of series circuit be used to measure inductance or capacitance?
3. What is the physical meaning of the quality factor Q of RLC circuit?
4. Why is the amplitude frequency characteristic curve of total current of RLC series circuit asymmetric on both sides of resonance point
If this asymmetry becomes less obvious, what conditions need to be met?
It's urgent. The more detailed you write, the better,
In RLC circuit, when the port voltage is in phase with the current passing through the circuit under positive selection excitation, the circuit presents resistance characteristics. This state of the circuit is called resonance. (equivalent to that only resistance is connected in the circuit, and no l or C is connected), so the total current and voltage do not resonate. 2 so, WL = 1 / WC, one measurement is known, and L = k
The new complex number with the imaginary part of 2I - √ 5 as the real part and the real part of √ 5I + 2 as the imaginary part is "urgent" and the process of finding is "urgent"
2 + 2I: how to do it?