The greatest common factor, and the least common multiple of 26 and 91?

The greatest common factor, and the least common multiple of 26 and 91?

The factors of 26 are: 1,2,13,26
The factors of 91 are: 1, 7, 13, 91
The same maximum factor is 13, which is their greatest common factor
The multiples of 26 are: 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156, 182, 208
The multiples are 274, 4591, 363, 369 1
The same minimum multiple is 182, which is their least common multiple
What are the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 7 and 75?
The greatest common factor is 1 and the least common multiple is 525
The least common multiple and the greatest common factor of 7 and 15
105 1
The greatest common factor is 105. Question: the least common multiple and the greatest common factor of 32 and 96, the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 27 and 81
Which words ending in f or Fe pluralize f or Fe into ves
A little more
Words ending with the vowel (aeiou) plus f or Fe
For example, if iron changes into wires knife changes into knives leaf changes into leaves
Housewife changes housewives thief changes everything life changes lives
The concept of plural
Given that the real number T satisfies 2 ^ (- t) - 1 + 5I
|2^(-t)-1+5i|= √{[2^(-t) - 1]^2 + 5^2}
= -14).
t 0.
In the complex plane, the complex number Za = 1 + 2I corresponding to the vertex a of the square oabc (o is the coordinate origin), and the complex number Za corresponding to the points B and C
In this paper, Za is transformed into triangle form, Za = √ 5 (COS θ + sin θ I),
Point B rotates ± 45 degrees relative to point a, | ob | = √ 10,
Or: ZB = √ 10 [cos (θ - π / 4) + sin (θ - π / 4) I]
Point C rotates ± 90 degrees relative to point a, | OC | = √ 5,
Or: ZC = √ 5 [cos (θ - π / 2) + sin (θ - π / 2) I]
Why do geese become geese in English plural
The rule of changing the singular into the plural
tooth---teeth foot---feet
I think my answer is right for geese
exceptional case
foot feet
Like foot, some OO words become EE when they become plural, which is a habit of English
A simple complex number calculation
How much? Please explain
Radical 2
The x-axis is 1, and the y-axis is also 1
=1 ^ 2 + 1 ^ 2 under root = root 2
Radical 2
If we don't know how to understand the concept of the complex number on the basis of ^ A + B. It can also be regarded as the distance from a point (a, b) on the rectangular coordinate plane to the origin.
On the complex plane, the complex number corresponding to the two vertices ab of square ABCD is 1 + 2I, 3-5i. Find the complex number corresponding to the other two vertices CD
If ABCD is arranged anticlockwise, let's move the square according to vector (- 1, - 2), then a goes to the origin, B is (3-5i) + (- 1-2i) = 2-7i, and turning AB 90 degrees anticlockwise around the origin is ad, so D coordinate is I (2-7i) = 7 + 2I. If we move the square back to its original position according to vector (1,2), then D is 7 + 2I + 1 + 2I = 8 + 4I
What is the English word for goose?
Gander goose
Goose (female)
Or Gander
goose ; gander
Goose, penguin, goose
Goose, penguin, goose
Goose, geese
Gander, geese, geese
Gander goose
Goose (female)
There are several differences between geese and swans
1. Geese are smaller and swans are bigger.
2. There are yellow or black brown protuberances on the forehead of geese and white on the whole body of swans.
The cry of a goose
Goose plural: geese, swan Penguin plus s
Goose unfolds in slang
Gander goose
Goose (female)
There are several differences between geese and swans
1. Geese are smaller and swans are bigger.
2. There are yellow or black brown protuberances on the forehead of geese and white on the whole body of swans.
The cry of a goose
Goose plural: geese, swan Penguin plus s
Goose is used to describe a fool in slang, while swan as a verb means "wandering". Put it away