What is the greatest common factor of the smallest odd number and the smallest prime number in the composite number? What is the least common multiple?

What is the greatest common factor of the smallest odd number and the smallest prime number in the composite number? What is the least common multiple?

What is the greatest common factor of the smallest odd number and the smallest prime number in a composite number?
The greatest common factor of 9 and 2 is 1
What is the least common multiple?
The least common multiple of 9 and 2 is 18
The greatest common factor of the smallest odd number and the smallest prime number in a composite number is 1, and the least common multiple is 18
What is the sum of the smallest prime number and the largest composite number?
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4
The largest sum is infinite
(the sum of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number is 6)
The sum of the smallest prime number and the largest composite number is infinite
If the complex Z satisfies | Z + I | + | Z-I | = 2, then the minimum value of | Z + I + 1 | is ()
A. 1B. 2C. 2D. 5
∫| Z + I | + | Z-I | = 2. The sum of the distances from point Z to point a (0, - 1) and to point B (0,1) is 2. The trajectory of point Z is line ab. and | Z + I + 1 | - is the distance from point Z to point (- 1, - 1)
It's about the singular and plural of English
Every table and every chair____ made of wood.
A.is B.are c.were D.be
What exactly do you choose? Why do you choose it?
Teacher a should have said that every -- and every -- should be followed by is
First of all, the general present tense
Secondly, and is two things, so it is plural
I hope I can answer your question
Although it is every to separate individuals, here, table and chair are two different objects
B. C is OK. Every table and every chair is made of wood. The subject is table and chair. Two things, so use the plural. The best answer is C, because the tables and chairs have been made before. It seems that all the tables and chairs are made of wood. In fact, there are also tables and chairs made of other materials.
Every, every, every, every, every, every, every, every, every, every, every
Every table and every chair is made of wood.
B. are
The subject is the plural
---It's also possible to choose C. were to see if the scene is past tense
Choose B
When we talk about family as a whole, why is the plural family
The family is a happy family. The family are having a holiday
Family is a collective noun. We can not only emphasize the whole concept of "family", but also emphasize all family members. Many families are what you call families.
High school complex math problems~
Let f be a mapping from a real number set to a complex number set. For any t belonging to R, there is f (T) = t + (4n2 + TN + 14) I (n belongs to Z). Question: when the set a = {Z | Z + 2I | is less than or equal to 8 times root three, Z belongs to C}, is there a real t such that f (T) belongs to a?
(supplement: "2" of 4n2 is square)
Requirements: 1
2. Problem solving process
Let f be a mapping from a real number set to a complex number set?
Thank you very much ~!
Let a and B be two sets. If according to a certain correspondence F, for any element in set a, there is a unique element corresponding to it in set B, then such correspondence (including set a, B, and the correspondence f from set a to set B) is called mapping from set a to set B, denoted as F: a → B.
|Z + 2I | is less than or equal to 8 times the root sign 3, which means that the length Z + 4 is less than or equal to 192, and the Z range is obtained
Z belongs to C. does C mean plural or plural. After determining the range of Z, we can take the number... To expand
Let a and B be two sets. If according to a certain correspondence F, for any element in set a, there is a unique element corresponding to it in set B, then such correspondence (including set a, B, and the correspondence f from set a to set B) is called mapping from set a to set B, denoted as F: a → B.
|Z + 2I | is less than or equal to 8 times the root sign 3, which means that the length Z + 4 is less than or equal to 192, and the Z range is obtained
Z belongs to C. does C mean plural or plural. After the range of Z is determined, the data can be retrieved
Application of singular and plural verbs in English
I've been learning English for three months, but I still don't know how to use the singular and plural of this verb It's all mixed up. Well, it's about grammar
The key to this problem is to find out whether the subject in the sentence is plural or singular. Only the singular subject, including the third person "he, she, it", can be used in the general present tense
It depends on whether the word is a countable noun. If it is a countable noun, use the plural. Simple complex homograph refers to the noun. Here, family is used as a family. My family all like
The verb has no singular or plural, only the third person singular. When the person is the third person {he, she, it} and is single, the verb should use its third person singular form. For example, I like... And she like... It is the same as the rules of the singular and plural of nouns.
When "verb" is used as predicate, the third person uses the singular (that is, the singular three), the third person has it, the noun singular (the boy)... I suggest reading grammar books
Family is said to be a collective noun
Families, multiple families
There were a lot of families at the circus.
Given the absolute value of X + Yi = 1, where x and y are real numbers, in the complex plane, find the set of points representing the complex x + Yi
X + Yi | = 1, then the module of complex x + Yi is 1. In the complex plane, the meaning is the set of all points whose distance to the origin is 1. According to the definition of circle, the set of all points whose distance to the fixed point is equal to the fixed length is a circle. Therefore, the set of points representing complex x + Yi in the complex plane is a circle with the origin as the center and 1 as the radius
The singular and plural of English nouns
A burger,please!
Are these sentences all right? Are they uncountable nouns?
According to your answer, is that not right?
I read this sentence in the kindergarten English book. I'm afraid my child made mistakes when he was young!
A piece of bread is uncountable
A cake is countable. You can use a cake, cakes, or a piece of cake
I agree with the above statement