The smallest prime number and the smallest composite number

The smallest prime number and the smallest composite number

The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4
Prime = prime
If a number has only one and two factors, it is called prime
Minimum prime number: 2
The smallest sum: 4
Prime 2, composite 4
The smallest prime number is 2
The smallest sum is 4
2 is the smallest prime and the smallest composite is 4
The smallest prime number, 2, is 4
2, 4, shaopi
The minimum prime is 2
The total is four
Minimum prime number: 2
The smallest sum: 4
Minimum prime number: 2
The smallest sum: 4
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4
The smallest prime number and the smallest composite number are both 2
In addition to the prime and the divisor itself, there is only the prime and the divisor itself
The smallest prime number is: 2, and the smallest composite number is: 4
Minimum Prime: 2 minimum composite: 4
The smallest prime number is 2
The smallest sum is 4
Minimum prime number: 2
The smallest sum: 4
Absolutely right. I'm a freshman
The prime number is 2 and the combined number is 4
Minimum Prime: 2
Minimum sum: 4
Ah! Little stupid! The smallest prime number: 2, the smallest total number: 4, class is not good to hear it! This can't do!!
In natural numbers, 0 and 1 are defined as neither prime nor composite numbers, and the concept of prime numbers is that there is no divisor other than 1 and itself, which is 2 of course; composite numbers are other divisors besides 1 and itself, and the smallest is 4
The minimum prime is 2 and the minimum composite is 4
Natural numbers and natural integers can't be called natural numbers except 1.
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4
The smallest prime number 2
The smallest sum 4
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4.
A number has only 1 and its own two factors. Such a number is called a prime number;
A number has other factors besides 1 and itself. Such a number is called a composite number.
Quality: 2 combination: 4
The smallest prime is 2, and the smallest composite is 4, because 1 is neither a composite nor a prime.
The smallest prime number is two, and the smallest composite number is four
Dizzy, this also asks
Minimum prime number: 2
The smallest sum: 4
Minimum prime number: 2
The smallest sum: 4
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4
What is the smallest prime number, the composite number?
The minimum prime is 2
The minimum sum is 4
Note that 1 is neither prime nor composite!
The least common multiple of the least prime number and the least composite number is______ .
The smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4. There is a multiple relationship between 2 and 4, in which 2 is a smaller number and 4 is a larger number, so the least common multiple of 2 and 4 is 4
What is the least common multiple of the smallest prime number, the smallest composite number and the smallest two digit number?
Is family plural or family plural
Families become plural
3. Make (1 + I) ^ n the smallest positive integer of real number, and the value of n is?
5. If (a-2i) I = B-I, a and B belong to R, then a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 =?
3. When n = 1,2, it doesn't hold. When n = 3, (1 + I) ^ 3 = (1 + I) (1 + I ^ 2-I) = - I-1, it doesn't hold. When n = 4, the original formula = (2I) ^ 2 = - 4, which is a real number, so the minimum value of n is 4
5. Left = AI + 2 = - I + B, so a = - 1, B = 2, so a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = 5
Singular and plural in English
How to determine the singular and plural of the subject in a sentence
One of students is singular
All students is plural
Is everyone students singular?
Here are other examples
thank you!
Everyone of the students is wrong
If the subject is singular or uncountable, the predicate uses the singular; if the subject is plural, the predicate uses the plural
It seems that you have to learn the basics well
Everyone students is wrong. Every student or everyone of the students
If the subject is singular (one), or uncountable, the predicate uses the singular; if the subject is plural, the predicate uses the plural.
Family is plural as a family member. Is it in the form of families?
Family means "family, family",
Well, yes, the plural is: families 100% correct, please rest assured, hope to adopt, thank you!
1. When the real number x takes what value, is the complex number (x ^ 2 + X-2) + (x ^ 2 + 3 + 2) I imaginary or pure imaginary?
2. Known complex z = (n-4 / m ^ 2-3m-4) + (n ^ 2 + 3n-4) I
m. When n takes what integer value, Z is a real number?
1. (x ^ 2 + X-2) + (x ^ 2 + 3 + 2) I is an imaginary number, where x ^ 2 + 3 + 2 = (x + 1) (x + 2) is not equal to 0 x, is not equal to - 1 and X is not equal to - 2 pure imaginary number, where x ^ 2 + X-2 = (x + 2) (x-1) = 0 x = - 2, or x = 1 x = 12. Z is a real number, where n ^ 2 + 3 n-4 = (n + 4) (n-1) = 0 N = - 4 or n = 1 m ^ 2-3 M-4 = (M-4) (M + 1) is not equal to 0 m, is not equal to 4
Which plural forms of primary English words do not add es or s
Simple complex homomorphism such as:
The special ones are as follows
thief thieves
shelf shelves
leaf leaves
calf calves
half halves
wolf wolves
wife wives
life lives
mouse_ mice