Programming with C language: input two positive integers m, N. find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple

Programming with C language: input two positive integers m, N. find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple

#Include "stdio. H" main() {int m, N, t, h, a, B, q; printf ((input m, n's value):); scanf (% d% d ", & M, & n); a = m; b = n; if (n > m) {t = m; m = n; n = t;} while (M% n! = 0) {H = n; n = M% n; m = n;} a = A / N; b = B / N; q = a * b * n; printf ((maximum common divisor of two numbers is% D, minimum
Input two positive integers m and N, find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple. C programming language
By using the common divisor of division, we can calculate the common multiple. # include & nbsp; & lt; stdio. H & gt; void & nbsp; main() {& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; int & nbsp; a, & nbsp; B, & nbsp; num1, & nbsp; num2, & nbsp; temp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; printf & quot; please & nbsp
C language programming, input two positive integers m and N, find its greatest common divisor and least common multiple
int m,n,r,a,b;
A is the greatest common divisor and B is the least common multiple
The greatest common divisor is Euclidean algorithm. The least common multiple is multiplication and division of two numbers
The algorithm of finding the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple in C language
The algorithm of the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two numbers
void main()
int a,b,num1,num2,temp;
printf("please input two numbers:\n");
Let z = 4m-1 + (2m + 1) I, m ∈ R. if the point corresponding to Z is on the line x-3y = 0, the value of M is obtained
∵ complex z = 4m-1 + (2m + 1) I, m ∈ R, and the point (4m-1, 2m + 1) corresponding to Z is on the straight line x-3y = 0, ∵ 4m-1-3 (2m + 1) = 0, which is reduced to (2m) 2-3 · 2m-4 = 0, ∵ (2m-4) (2m + 1) = 0, ∵ 2m-4 = 0, and M = 2
Which quadrant is the point of complex 1 / 2 + I in the complex plane
The corresponding coordinate is (1 / 2,1), so it's in the first quadrant
Write the plural of the following nouns. Thank you!
How to express in English?
Write down the pl.forms of the following nouns.
We know that X and y are nonzero complex numbers, x ^ 2 + XY + y ^ 2 = 0, [x / (x + y)] ^ 2005 + [y / (x + y)] ^ 2005 =?
So the original formula = (x ^ 2005 + y ^ 2005) / (x + y) ^ 2005
In the complex plane, the point corresponding to complex number 1 + 1I is located in ()
A. First quadrant B. second quadrant C. third quadrant D. fourth quadrant
In the complex plane, the point corresponding to the complex number 1 + 1I is in the fourth quadrant
English plural
English is a language, a proper noun without plural