The greatest common factor of 4 and 6 is () and the least common multiple is ()

The greatest common factor of 4 and 6 is () and the least common multiple is ()

C programming language: input two positive integers m and N to find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple,
#include int main() { int m,n; int m_ cup,n_ Cup, res; / * divisor, divisor, remainder * / printf ("enter two integer: n"); scanf (% d% d ", & M, & n); if (M > 0 & & n > 0) {M_ cup = m; n_ cup = n; res = m_ cup % n_ cup; while (re...
Input two positive integers m and N, find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple
Input two positive integers m and N to find the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple. Use the division method to find the greatest common divisor. Algorithm description: m computes the remainder of n as a, if a is not equal to 0, then M 0) {M 0)}_ cup = m; n_ cup = n; res = m_ cup % n_ cup; while (res != 0) { m_ cup = n_ cup; n_ cup = re...
Write plural in English
A plural question in Senior High School
In the complex plane, two points a and B correspond to 1 and I respectively, and the complex Z moves on the line AB to find the locus of the point corresponding to Z ^ 2
The equation of line AB is x + y = 1 (x > 0, Y > 0)
Let the complex Z correspond to the point m (U, V), then u + V = 1 (1 > U > 0,1 > V > 0)
Let Z ^ 2 be a negative number x + Yi,
Then x = u ^ 2-V ^ 2 = (U + V) (U-V), y = 2uv,
∵ u+v=1,
∴x= u-v,y=2uv,
Because (U-V) ^ 2 + 4uv = (U + V) ^ 2
The trajectory equation of the point corresponding to Z ^ 2 is x ^ 2 + 2Y = 1 (Y > 0), which is a part of parabola
Mathematics. Which quadrant is the corresponding point of complex z = (2-I) - I in the complex plane
In the fourth quadrant, I = (2-I) - 2
Girl plural
The plural of "girl" seems to be followed by an apostrophe and an S
The plural is girls
Adding "girl's" is "girls' ~"
It is known that the equations 2x-1 + I = y - (3-y) I and 2x + ay - (4x-y + b) I = 9-8i about X and y have real number solutions
According to the definition of real number equality (real part and imaginary part are equal respectively)
From the first plural equal to:
2X-1=Y ,1=-(3-Y) ,
The above is a system of linear equations with two variables, and the solution to this system is as follows
y=4 ;
From the second plural equal to:
2X+aY=9 ,-(4X-Y+b)=-8,
Substituting x = 5 / 2, y = 4, and solving the equations, we get the following results:
a=1 ;
b=2 ;
In the complex plane, the point corresponding to the complex number 1 + i2009 (1 − I) 2 & nbsp; lies at______ .
1 + i2009 (1 − I) 2 = 1 + I4 × 502 + 1 − 2I = 1 + I − 2I = I (1 + I) − 2I2 = − 1 + I − 2 = 12 − 12I, the corresponding point in the complex plane is (12, - 12), so the answer is: the second quadrant
The expression of plural in English
will you pass me_____ ?
A.a few pieces of chalk
B.a few chalks
C.a few of chalks
D.some chalks
Which one? How to change the wrong one?
Will you pass me (A.A few pieces of chalk)? Will you pass me some chalk
Chalk is an uncountable noun without plural
A piece of chalk
Two pieces of chalk, so it's A. I want to help you. What's the matter here, and why is chalk uncountable and pen countable? This is a rule, just like food means that food is uncountable, but it means that the kind of food is countable
Chalk is an uncountable noun without plural
A piece of chalk
Two pieces of chalk, so it's A. I hope to help you. Question: what's the matter here, and why can't chalk be counted, and why can pen be counted?