The conjugate complex number of 1 / (3-5i) is?

The conjugate complex number of 1 / (3-5i) is?

It is 1 / (3 + 5I). The conjugate of a complex number is to replace the original I with (- I)
When m is a real number, m square (1 + I) - M (5 + 3I) + 6 is (1) a real number? (2) in the fourth quadrant? (3) on the line y = x?
1) When m ^ 2-3m = 0, that is, M = 3 or 0, the number is real
2) When m ^ 2-5M + 6 > 0
M ^ 2-3m3 or m ^ 2-3m3
The complex numbers corresponding to vertices a and B of a square ABCD are 2-3i and 5 + 2I. Find the complex numbers corresponding to the other two vertices
OA=2-3i OB=5+2i
ABCD is a square
∴|AB|=|AD| AB⊥AD
That is: ad = - 5 + 3I
Similarly, OC = ob + BC = 5I
In the complex plane, AB and AC correspond to - 1 + 2I and - 2-3i, respectively, so BC corresponds to? 1 + 2I and? 2-3i?
(arrow from left to right)
If z = 5I / 1-2i (I is an imaginary unit), then the conjugate complex number of Z is
English translation
It's the word "Festival". Pay attention to the plural!
What's the plural of housewife
Housewives, housewife is a word that ends with f or Fe. According to the rule of English plural, we should change f or Fe to V and add es
Housewives, because housewife is a word ending with Fe, according to the rule of plural of special words, we should change Fe to VE and add s
Odd housewife
Negative hosewives
You can download a Youdao dictionary or Kingsoft ICIBA. It's faster than asking here
Housewives, housewife is a word that ends with f or Fe. According to the rule of English plural, we should change f or Fe to V and add es
English translation
Would you do me a favor?
The real part of a complex number contains only a complex number of which the real part is zero
Make it clear
”The plural of "mouse" in English?
The plural of mouse is mice
The plural of mouse is mice
Optical mouse is (optical mouse)
Mouse plural
"Mike" of course!
or rats
Mouse [Concise Chinese English Dictionary]
Mouse is plural
The plural of mouse is mice
Mouse [Concise Chinese English Dictionary]
The plural of mouse is mice
Mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse: mouse
Mouse plural
The singular and plural forms of mice
Title, such as
Singular mouse
Complex number
Odd rat
Plural rats
Singular mouse
Complex number
Mouse list
Mice complex
Mouse list
Mice complex
Single: mouse
Re: Mike
Single mouse
Compound mice