What is the plural of teacher in English?

What is the plural of teacher in English?

"Teachers" is not changed
Complex number of man teacher
men teachers
Both have changed
English plural: women teachers or women teachers?
Are those two plurals?
Answer: Women Teachers
It is stipulated in English that if man / woman is used as attribute to modify a noun, both nouns must be plural when they are plural
Another example is a woman nurse and two women nurses
women teachers
women teachers
48 English symbols and pronunciation in English?
48 English International Phonetic Symbols
By using the method of symmetry, we can sort the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\theresults show that it is 35; 160;; 3535\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; 20 vowels
[p] [m] [w] [h] [i:][t][d][n][j][r][E:][E][k][g]
48 international phonetic alphabets
12 vowels
long vowel
Short vowels
Eight double vowels [AI] [EI] [CI] [ie] [Ze] [UE] [EU] [Au]
10 pairs
Clear consonant
Voiced consonant
3 nasal sounds
Three Pinyin like characters
Two half vowels
There are five long vowel: (I): [I:], \35\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35;160;         [u:]                     [B:]
The seven short vowels are: (1) the seven short vowels: (1) the seven short vowels are: (I) the 353535; # 35\35\\35\35\\35\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\theresults show that it is 35; 160;;;; #35;35;#\35\35\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[e]           [e]                     [A]
There are eight double vowels [AI] in this paper, eight double vowels: (: (AI) in the following eight double vowels: (: (AI) the \353535\35\\\35\\\\\\\\\\35\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\theresults show that it is #; 35\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35;160; [UE] & #160;, & #160;, & #160;, & #160;, & #160;, & #160;, & #160;, & #160;, [EU] & #160;         [au]
There are 10 clear consoconsoconsoconsoconsoconsoconsoconsoconsoconso: (P) at the end of [P] and [P] #35353535353535353535\\35\35\\35\ \\\35\\\\35\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\theresults show that it is 35; 160;;; #35;35;35;35;35;35;35;#35;####35;35###\35\35 \35\\\35\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[w] & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; & & 160; [F] & & 160;          [tF]          [tr]         [ts]
There are 10 voicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoicevoiced [b] is 35\ \3535\\\ \35\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\theresults are as follows: 160;; #; 35; #35;; \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[t] &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; [v] &# 160;         [dV]         [dr]         [dz]
The three nasal sounds are as follows: (#35;35;35;35;35;#\\\\\\\\\\\\\35\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[n]
Three Pinyin like characters: [H] &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; [R]
The plural of Englishman is pronounced by Englishmen; the plural of policeman is pronounced by policemen
According to the pronunciation of man and men!
Plural of man
Man, human, human, husband, hired hand
To arm, operate, position, and cheer up
Go check the phonetics`~
The pronunciation of 48 English standard MP3 format
The first part of the part: 1) the vowel part: 1: the vowel part: 1: the vowel part: 1: the vowel part: the vowel part: 1: the vowel [i], [i], [i], [[\\\\\\\\\\\\\;], [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[au
Help recommend a book about English pronunciation and pronunciation rules
We didn't learn English standard when we were in primary school. Now we don't know how to read it. Please recommend one. It's better to have a pronunciation tape or CD. Help write the title and editor of the book,
Recently, I'm also learning phonetics. This book is good. Author: Guo Lin, general manager of Ma Degao, Beijing Foreign Studies University. There are real people's pronunciation pictures and MP3 disks. Its phonetics are 15 versions. We used to use 13 versions, so some of the writing is different. So at the same time, I bought another Book International Phonetics and intonation
"Phonetics and vocabulary" of "xunba foreign language" in Chenzhou, Hunan Province can help you break through the phonetic mark level in three hours and the vocabulary level in thirty days.
If I say that the international phonetic alphabet is the Pinyin alphabet of English, you may understand that both the international phonetic alphabet and the Chinese phonetic alphabet are used to identify the pronunciation of words.
The difference is that English has more phonemes and embodies the process of pronunciation (spelling) - soft, Chinese has less phonemes, and pays attention to the correct pronunciation and Roundness - clear, for example, "EI" is the same sound. Chinese people sound basically the same, but you understand the pronunciation
"Phonetics and vocabulary" of "xunba foreign language" in Chenzhou, Hunan Province can help you break through the phonetic mark level in three hours and the vocabulary level in thirty days.
If I say that the international phonetic alphabet is the Pinyin alphabet of English, you may understand that both the international phonetic alphabet and the Chinese phonetic alphabet are used to identify the pronunciation of words.
The difference is that there are more phonemes in English, and the pronunciation (spelling) process is reflected - soft, less phonemes in Chinese, and emphasis on correct pronunciation and Roundness - clear. For example, there is the same sound "EI" in English, and the Chinese sound basically the same, but after you understand the key points of pronunciation, your pronunciation will be more English. In addition, Chinese characters are one word with one sound, while English is one word with several sounds (fast linking).
Compared with the Chinese characters which are less and less pictographic, the rule of "pictophonetic" in English is very strong and obvious. The pronunciation and vocabulary of Chenzhou "xunba foreign language" has done a not difficult but tedious work. This rule is reflected in detail. At the same time, it is equipped with recording and step-by-step documents. Learners can easily engage in training, and can carry out it anytime and anywhere, with real results We can get twice the result with half the effort. Put it away
Change English into plural
It's English
How to read and write bananas in English?
Banana English
How do you read the English of apples and bananas?
Apple is: Bai yunian (love gun) banana is: don't take it