The plural of mouse English

The plural of mouse English

Mouse singular
The complex number of mice
Thank you very much
The plural of mice
Plural: Mike
Singular: mouse
The plural of comedy is comedies. What's the rule,
End with a consonant + y, change y to I and add - es
I like comides. In this sentence, comides does not change the plural form. Why do you want to change it to the plural form?
Mike wants to piay volleyball
No, because comodies generally refers to comedy, not just one, like I like sports
Play volleyball, like this, is followed by a kind of sports equipment. This is a fixed usage. Just remember that you can use it, such as play basketball, play football, pay basketball and so on
Special bowl dumping pancake answer candy shelf leaf foot Chinese mouse man watch
specials bowls dumplings pancakes answers candies shelves leavea feet Chinese mice men watches
Change the following sentences into plural ones
This is his brother
Are those your cousins
This is his brother
These are their brothers
Are those your cousins
No,they aren't
these are his brothers
No, they are not
Change English sentences into plurals
what is it?it's a mirror?
it's a bus?
Please be plural
what are they are they mirrors?
They are buses.
what are they? Are they mirrors?
Are they buses?
what are they ? they are mirrors.
they're buses.
Conversion of English singular and plural
Please help me to answer the plural form of boss, the adjective form of Europe, the adverb form of advise, the adverb form of polite, the adverb form of begin, the adjective form of satisfaction and the comparative form of soap
Classmate, I'm glad to answer your question
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I hope I can help you, / > if you don't understand, please continue to ask. Can you talk about it in detail (*^__ ^*)   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Plural of man teacher
It's man teachers
Men teachers (man plural)
If it's the first one, is this man an attribute
men teachers
I wish you progress in your study and make progress. Please remember to adopt it. Thank you*^__ ^ *
1. For example, if man teacher is plural, what is it? Is there a case of man teacher?
2. What are the words beginning with vowels? What are the vowels?
3. The writing of ordinal numbers from 1 to 20:
4. What is the comparative level of far? What is the difference between the highest level fast and full?
5. Which words can modify the comparative level?
6. For example, most beautiful and cleverest, when to add most and EST?
7. What is the difference between chers and cheers?
8. Tom was so () (angry) that he said nothing?
9. What is the answer of "must, may, can"?
What's the difference between "since, for" and "because"?
11. As long as and as well
12. What's the difference between speak, tell, say and talk?
13. What's the difference between wear, heat on, put and dress?
14. What's the difference between take down and take out?
15. What's the difference between give out, give in and give back?
16. What do you mean by make out, make over, make up?
17. Wear down, wear out, wear off, wear away?
18. What's the difference between fall off and fall down?
19. Think up, think about, think for, think out?
20. What do you mean by "come in, come over, come out"?
21. What is the past tense of pass?
22. What does pay off mean?
1. Yes, it's men teachers
2. Vowel: a e i o u, there are many words beginning with vowel, for example: apples, enter, Internet, oil, use
3. Ordinal: first (1st)
Second (2nd)
Third (third)
Fifth (5th)
Sixth (6th)
Seventh (7th)
Ninth (9th)
Eleven (11th)
Twelfth (12th)
Thirteenth (13th)
Fifteenth (15th)
Sixteenth (16th)
Seventeen (17th)
Nineth (19th)
Twentieth (20th)
4 comparative grade: farther,
Difference: there is no difference in essence. They are all the highest level of far. The only difference is that fast usually refers to the actual distance between two places, while furthest can also refer to the abstract distance
5. Modifying comparative: a bit, a little, more, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even
6. When adding most, it is because the highest level of a word can't be deformed, so most is added. Generally, most is added to a longer word without changing the original word
7. Cher is the prototype and chers is the plural
8. Fill in the original shape without changing
9. Must: Yes, you must: No, you mustn't
Yes, you may no, you can't / mustn't
Can Yes, you can no, you can't
10. The order of mood from strong to weak is: because → since → as → for; because, since and as are subordinate conjunctions, leading to adverbial clauses of cause; for is coordinate conjunctions, leading to coordinate sentences
As long as, as well as
12. Speak means to use language, such as: speak English, speak Chinese, etc
Tell a story, tell me something
"Say" means "say", mainly to apply what others say, such as: she says I say……
Talk with somebody, talk to somebody
13. Wear is a condition
Put on is an action. Put on
Put up means to raise your hand, for example, put up your hand
Dress is also an action
Take down
Take out
15. Give back
Give out
Give in means to give in
16. Make out
Make over change
Make up
Wear, out, wear, off
18. Fall off
Fall down
19. Think up, think about, think for Think out
20. Come in, come over, come out
Past tense passed
22. Bring benefits