What is the conjugate complex of complex z = - 3 + I / 2 + I?

What is the conjugate complex of complex z = - 3 + I / 2 + I?

The conjugate complex number is - 1-i;
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
The plural of what's this
what are these?
what are these?
What are these?
what are these ?
What's the difference between + ed or ing after the verb?
. as the title
For example, I'm interested in the book.The Book is interesting. A person is the subject, a thing is the subject. Add ED is to modify people, and add ing is what kind of adjective. I have never heard of adding ed as a famous word. Add ing is a gerund
What is the square of the complex z = (1-I)
Z = (1-I) squared
I don't understand. I can ask
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This is a leaf
these are leaves.
These are leaves.
these are many leaves.
These are leaves.
these are leaves
Explain in detail when the singular noun adds s, when the singular noun adds es, when the singular noun adds ies, when the verb adds ing, and when to add E
When do verbs need to be double written with ing
1. Add s after noun: in general, add s directly, such as: car cars hand hands eye eyes ears 2. Adding es after nouns: plural nouns ending with X, s, CH and sh are added with ES at the end, such as: Church Church box boxes class classes There is also a special o-junction
What is the square of complex z = (1-I) × I
= (-2i)xi
What's this
What are these?
Is plural: are
The plural of this
what are these?
What are these
What are these?
What are these?
Sum up the special forms of verb change three simple, verb ing, verb change past tense
Sum up the special forms of verb change three simple, verb ing, verb change past tense
+s: Read (s), think (s), drink (s), eat (s) and so on ending with Y: COPI (ES), study (ES), tri (ES) and so on (there are some special, ending with y directly after + s, such as: play (s), say (s), stay (s) and so on, because the previous letter of Y is a vowel letter) ending with s and adding es; miss (ES)
Generally, s work --- works is added
S, x, SH, CH, O (living) plus es
End with a consonant letter and y, change y to I and es
Stress the closed syllable and end with a consonant. Double write the consonant and add es
It's irregular
(V) three orders
What graph is the set of points Z corresponding to complex Z satisfying | Z | > 2?
That is, the distance to the origin is greater than 2
So it's going to take out a circle with radius 2 from the whole plane
In the complex plane, the origin is outside the radius 2 of the center of the circle