How to solve the problem of first 3 quadratic function and 1-variable quadratic equation? Find the coordinates of the image and X axis of the following quadratic function? Y = 1 / 2x * - x + 3

How to solve the problem of first 3 quadratic function and 1-variable quadratic equation? Find the coordinates of the image and X axis of the following quadratic function? Y = 1 / 2x * - x + 3

The root discriminant B & sup2; - 4ac = 1 & sup2; - 4 × 1 / 2 × 3 = - 5 < 0, so this equation has no intersection with the x-axis, so just write an analytic formula y = x & sup2; + 4x + 3, because the characteristic of the intersection of the x-axis is y = 0, so y = 0 is substituted into the analytic formula to get X1 = - 1, X2 = - 3, so the two intersections of the image and the x-axis are (-)
Solve the following practical problems with quadratic equation of one variable (suppose given, find the equation)
When a travel agency organizes a tour group to visit Beijing in a certain place, the cost of each person's travel expenses and tickets is 3200 yuan. If the charge standard is set at 4600 yuan per person, only 20 people will participate in the tour group. When the charge is higher than 4600 yuan, no one will participate. Every 100 yuan reduction from 4600 yuan will increase the number of participants by 10
(1) What's the rate of profit per person from the tour agency?
(2) Is it possible to make a profit of more than 64000 yuan?
(1) Set the standard as X, reduce (4600-x) yuan, increase (4600-x) / 100 * 10 people than 20 people
If X Yuan is reduced, the current charging standard is (4600-x) yuan, and the current number of people is (20 + 0.1X). According to the meaning of the question, we get (4600-x-3200) (20 +. 01x) = 64000, that is, x ^ 2-1200x + 360000 = 0, and we get X1 = x2 = 600, that is, the current charging standard is 4000 yuan / person. When the profit is more than 64000 yuan, then this equation
Several questions about quadratic equation of one variable
The solution of X & # 178; + 3x = 14 is:
On the quadratic equation of one variable X & # 178; + 2x + C = 0 (C ≤ 1)____
Let a be the larger root of the quadratic equation x & # 178; + 5x = 0, and B be the smaller root of X & # 178; - 3x + 2 = 0, then the value of a + B is____
Ax & # 178; - (BC + Ca + AB) x + B & # 178; C + BC & # 178; = 0 (a is not equal to 0)
If a is a root of the equation x & # 178; - X-1 = 0, find the value of the algebraic formula A & # 179; - 2A + 3
Given X & # 178; = 1-x (x > 0), find the value of one part of X + X
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I got the answer
1 x = (root sign 65-3) / 2
2 x = positive and negative radical (1-C) - 1
4 x=√2+1 x=-3(√2+1)
5 x=b+c x=-bc/a
6 x=-2 x=(-2m-1)/m
8 root 5
Ask again about the process
Elementary 3 problems of quadratic equation with one variable
If the algebraic formula a + 4A + 17 has a minimum value, find the minimum value and find the value of the work
So when a = - 2, the minimum value is 13
(a + 2) ^ 2 is greater than or equal to 0, so the minimum value is 13
When a = - 2, the minimum value is 13
Seeking high school mathematics formula and equation
The triangular inequality |a (a + B | a + B | a | a | a | a + B | B | a | a | a | a | a | a | a \124\124\\\\\\\\124\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\anote: the discriminant b2-4a of Weida theorem is 0
Factorization 6xy + 4x-9y-7 = 0
It is known that the parabola y = x & # 178; - 3x + C has an intersection with the X axis
(1) Find the value range of C
(2) If the two intersection points of parabola and X-axis are a (x1,0), (x2,0), satisfy X1 < 0 < x2 and ob = 2oa, then the value of C is obtained
The discriminant 9-4c ≥ 0, C ≤ 9 / 4 for X & # 178; - 3x + C = 0
x₂ = -2x₁,x₁ < 0
y = (x - x₁)(x - x₂) = (x - x₁)(x + 2x₁) = x² + x₁x - 2x₁² = x² - 3x + c
x₁ = -3
c = -2x₁² = -18
Junior high school mathematics all equation formula (urgent, urgent, urgent)
Formulas for solving all equations in junior high school
1. Each copy × copies = the total number of copies △ each copy = the total number of copies △ copies = each copy 2, 1 multiple × multiples = several multiples △ 1 multiple = several multiples △ multiples = 1 multiple 3, speed × time = distance △ speed = time distance △ time = speed 4, unit price × quantity = total price
I have it in my space
There is only one straight line through two points
2 the shortest line segment between two points
The complements of the same or equal angles are equal
The remainder of the same or equal angle is equal
There is and only one line perpendicular to a known line passing through a point
Among all the line segments connected by a point outside the line and each point on the line, the vertical line segment is the shortest
The axiom of parallelism passes through a point outside the line, and there is only one line parallel to it
If both lines are parallel to the third line, the two lines are parallel to each other
... unfold
There is only one straight line through two points
2 the shortest line segment between two points
The complements of the same or equal angles are equal
The remainder of the same or equal angle is equal
There is and only one line perpendicular to a known line passing through a point
Among all the line segments connected by a point outside the line and each point on the line, the vertical line segment is the shortest
The axiom of parallelism passes through a point outside the line, and there is only one line parallel to it
If both lines are parallel to the third line, the two lines are parallel to each other
The two lines are parallel
The internal stagger angles are equal and the two lines are parallel
The inner angles of the same side are complementary, and the two lines are parallel
The two straight lines are parallel and have the same angle
The two straight lines are parallel and the internal stagger angles are equal
The two lines are parallel, and the internal angles of the same side complement each other
Theorem 15 the sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side
16 infer that the difference between the two sides of a triangle is less than the third side
The sum of the three internal angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
18 corollary 1 two acute angles of right triangle complement each other
Corollary 2 one exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two interior angles not adjacent to it
The outer angle of a triangle is greater than any inner angle not adjacent to it
The corresponding sides and angles of congruent triangles are equal
SAS has two congruent triangles whose two sides and their angles are equal
The 23 angle and side angle axiom (ASA) has two congruent triangles with two equal angles and their pinch sides
Inference (AAS) has two angles and the opposite sides of one of them corresponding to two equal triangles congruent
The 25 edge axiom (SSS) has two congruent triangles with three equal sides
The axiom of hypotenuse and right edge (HL) has hypotenuse and a right edge corresponding to two equal right triangles
Theorem 1 the distance from a point on the bisector of an angle to both sides of the angle is equal
Theorem 2 a point at the same distance from both sides of an angle is on the bisector of the angle
The bisector of angle 29 is the set of all points with equal distance to both sides of the angle
The property theorem of isosceles triangle
The bisector of the vertex of an isosceles triangle bisects the base and is perpendicular to it
The bisector of the vertex, the middle line on the bottom and the height on the bottom of an isosceles triangle coincide with each other
33 corollary 3 the angles of an equilateral triangle are equal, and each angle is equal to 60 degrees
If two angles of a triangle are equal, then the opposite sides of the two angles are also equal
Corollary 1 a triangle whose three angles are equal is an equilateral triangle
36 corollary 2 an isosceles triangle with an angle equal to 60 ° is an equilateral triangle
In a right triangle, if an acute angle is equal to 30 degrees, the right side it faces is half of the hypotenuse
The center line on the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to half of the hypotenuse
Theorem 39 the distance between the point on the vertical bisector of a line segment and the two ends of the line segment is equal
The inverse theorem and the point of a line segment with equal distance between two ends are on the vertical bisector of the line segment
The vertical bisector of line segment 41 can be regarded as a set of all points with equal distance from the two ends of the line segment
Theorem 42 theorem 1 two figures symmetrical about a line are congruent
Theorem 2 if two figures are symmetrical with respect to a line, then the axis of symmetry is the vertical bisector of the line connecting the corresponding points
Theorem 3 two figures are symmetrical with respect to a line. If their corresponding line segments or extension lines intersect, then the intersection point is on the axis of symmetry
45 inverse theorem if the line connecting the corresponding points of two figures is vertically bisected by the same line, then the two figures are symmetrical about the line
46 Pythagorean theorem the sum of squares of two right sides a and B of a right triangle is equal to the square of hypotenuse C, that is, a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = C ^ 2
The inverse theorem of Pythagorean theorem if the lengths of three sides a, B and C of a triangle are related to a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = C ^ 2, then the triangle is a right triangle
Theorem 48 the sum of internal angles of a quadrilateral is equal to 360 degrees
The sum of the external angles of a quadrilateral is equal to 360 degrees
The sum of inner angles of n-polygon is equal to (n-2) × 180 degree
51 infer that the sum of external angles of any polygon is equal to 360 degrees
Property theorem of parallelogram 1 diagonal equality of parallelogram
Property theorem of parallelogram 2. The opposite sides of parallelogram are equal
54 infer that the parallel line segments sandwiched between two parallel lines are equal
Property theorem of parallelogram 3 the diagonals of parallelogram are equally divided
Two groups of diagonally equal quadrilaterals are parallelograms
Two groups of parallelograms whose opposite sides are equal are parallelograms
58 parallelogram determination Theorem 3 a quadrilateral whose diagonals are equally divided is a parallelogram
A group of parallelograms whose opposite sides are parallel and equal are parallelograms
The four corners of a rectangle are right angles
Theorem 2 the diagonals of rectangles are equal
Rectangle theorem 1 a quadrilateral with three right angles is a rectangle
63 rectangle determination theorem 2 a parallelogram with equal diagonals is a rectangle
The four sides of a diamond are equal
Diamond property theorem 2 the diagonals of diamond are perpendicular to each other, and each diagonal is divided into a group of diagonals
B = (2) × half of the area of the diamond
Diamond decision theorem 1 a quadrilateral whose four sides are equal is a diamond
68 diamond decision theorem 2 a parallelogram whose diagonals are perpendicular to each other is a diamond
The four corners of a square are right angles and the four sides are equal
70 square property theorem 2 the two diagonals of a square are equal and equally divided perpendicular to each other, and each diagonal is equally divided into a group of diagonals
Theorem 1 two graphs of centrosymmetry are congruent
Theorem 2 for two graphs with centrosymmetry, the lines of the symmetry points pass through the center of symmetry and are bisected by the center of symmetry
Inverse theorem if the lines of the corresponding points of two graphs pass through a certain point and are bisected by this point, then the two graphs are symmetrical about this point
The property theorem of isosceles trapezoid the two angles of isosceles trapezoid on the same base are equal
The two diagonals of 75 isosceles trapezoid are equal
76 isosceles trapezoid theorem two trapezoids with equal angles on the same base are isosceles trapezoid 77 trapezoids with equal diagonals are isosceles trapezoid
If the segments of a group of parallel lines cut on one line are equal, then the segments cut on other lines are also equal
Corollary 1 a straight line passing through the middle point of one waist and parallel to the bottom of the trapezoid must divide the other waist equally
Deduction 2 a line passing through the midpoint of one side of a triangle and parallel to the other side must divide the third side equally
The median line of a triangle is parallel to the third side and equal to half of it
The median line of trapezoid is parallel to the two bases and equal to half of the sum of the two bases L = (a + b) △ 2 s = l × H
83 (1) if a: B = C: D, then ad = BC, if ad = BC, then a: B = C: D
If a / b = C / D, then (a ± b)