Solve the inequality system X − 4 ≤ 32 (2x − 1) ① 2x − 1 + 3x2 < 1 ②, express the solution set on the number axis, and obtain the integer solution of the inequality system

Solve the inequality system X − 4 ≤ 32 (2x − 1) ① 2x − 1 + 3x2 < 1 ②, express the solution set on the number axis, and obtain the integer solution of the inequality system

From ①, X ≥ - 54, from ②, X < 3, so the solution set of this inequality system is: - 54 ≤ x < 3, expressed on the number axis as: the integer solution of this inequality system is: - 1, 0, 1, 2. So the answer is: - 1, 0, 1, 2
Integer solutions to the system of inequalities {2x-11 > 0 x ≤ 2 / 1X + 4
2x-11>0 x≤1/2*x +4
2x>11 1/2x≤4
x>5.5 x≤8
The integer solutions of {2x-11 > 0 x ≤ 2 / 1X + 4 are 6,7,8
Finding the integer solution of the system of inequalities 2x + 4 > 0,1-2x > 0
Because: 2x + 4 > 0
So: x > - 2
Because: 1-2x > 0
So: X
2x+4>0 1-2x>0
2x>-4 -2x>-1
x>-2 2x
Solving the system of inequalities - 4 ≤ 1-3x < 5
It is divided into two inequalities {- 4 ≤ 1-3x}
1-3x<5 ②
Solution 1 gives x ≤ 5 / 3
Solution 2 gives x > - 4 / 3
Therefore, - 4 / 3 < x ≤ 5 / 3 is the solution set of the original equations
I wish you progress in your studies
Divide it into two.
From the meaning of the title: - 4 ≤ 1-3x ①
From ① we can get: X ≤ 5 / 3
X > - 4 / 3 is obtained from ②
So 5 / 3 ≥ x > - 4 / 3
Range X = vocos multiplied by 2vosin / g = VO ^ 2Sin / g
How to calculate it
It's written in the guidance book like this
Time is determined by vertical motion
VO * sin θ = GT (t is rise time)
Horizontal speed * time in horizontal motion
Let t be the rising time
The falling time is also t
-What is the difference between 4x squared-3y + 2x and 3x squared-4x-6y
(- 4x square-3y + 2x) - (3x square-4x-6y)
=-4X square - 3Y + 2x-3x square + 4x + 6y
=(- 4x square - 3x Square) + (6y-3y) + (2x + 4x)
=-7x square + 3Y + 6x
A and B worked out a problem together: (2x + a) (3x + b) a copied the sign of the first polynomial wrong and got the square of 6x + 11x-10. B copied the second one wrong
A and B work out a problem together: (2x + a) (3x + b) a copies the wrong sign of the first polynomial to get the square of 6x + 11x-10, B copies the wrong coefficient of X in the second polynomial to get the square of 2x - 9x + 10. (1) find the value of a and B; (2) work out the correct result of this problem
(1) From the title, we can get: (2x-a) (3x + b) = 6x & # 178; + 11x-10 ﹥ 6x & # 178; + (2b-3a) x-ab = 6x & # 178; + 11x-10, ﹥ 2b-3a = 11 ① Similarly, (2x + a) (x + b) = 6x & # 178; + 11x-10, ﹥ 2x & # 178; + (2B + a) x + AB = 6x & # 178; + 11x-10, ﹥ 2B + a = 11 ② , and then look at the review
fifty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-three
a=-5, b=-2
Correct result = (2x-5) * (3x-2)
Hope to help you
A: (6x square + 11x-10) - (2x + a) (3x + b)
The formula obtained by a: (2x-a) (3x b) = 6x & # 178; (2b-3a) x-ab = 6x & # 178; 11x-10
The corresponding coefficients are equal, 2b-3a = 11, and ab = 10
The formula obtained by B: (2x a) (x B) = 2x & # 178; (2B a) x AB = 2x & # 178; - 9x 10
The corresponding coefficients are equal, 2b a = - 9, and ab = 10
2b-3a = 11, and 2b a = - 9,
Given the set a = {X / x ^ 2 + 4x ≤ 0}, B = {X / x ^ 2-3 (a + 1) x + a (2a + 1) ≥ 0}, if a ∩ CRB = a, find the value range of real number a
Solve the following equations: (1) 4x + 2Y = 2217x + 7Y = 80; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;; 2) 4x + 7Y = 14412y − 8x = 24
(1)4x+2y=22… ①17x+7y=80… ② We can get 6x = 6 ③ So the solution of the original equations is x = 1y = 9; (2) 4x + 7Y = 144 ①12y−8x=24… ② In this paper, we give the formula of 26y = 312 ③ By substituting y = 12 into 1, we can get x = 15, so the solution of the original equations is x = 15, y = 12
What is the deviation percentage of 49.53 to 49.99? How to calculate? Please list the formula!
My friend's formula is like this: (and it's signed)
It's not multiplied by 100, it's multiplied by one hundred percent
(49.53 / 49.99-1) * 100% or (49.53-49.99) / 49.99 * 100%