What is the integer solution of the system of inequalities - 3 less than or equal to 2 / 2 - 3x + 1 less than or equal to 2

What is the integer solution of the system of inequalities - 3 less than or equal to 2 / 2 - 3x + 1 less than or equal to 2

Multiply by 2
Is the integer solution of the inequality system {3x + 1 > 8,2 / 2 x + 1 greater than or equal to X-1?
Inequality of 10-7x less than 6-3x solution
If 10-7x is less than 6-3x, the shift term is less than 4x and the solution x is greater than 1
Solving inequality (- 3x ^ 2 - 7x + 14) / (x ^ 2 + 3x-4) ≥ - 2
The process of answering questions
Using the combination of number and shape, odd through even not through, and the denominator is not 0
How to deduce the formula of circle area
S = circumference * square of radius
It seems that the circle is decomposed into many squares at the beginning. Generally, you just write down the formula!!!
A. (x-2y) (2Y + 3) B. (x-2y) (- x + 2Y) C. (x-2y) (- x-2y) d. (x-2y) (2y-x)
Say why?
C.(x-2y) (-x-2y)
There are two items, one is the same and the other is opposite
In the second bracket of item B, a negative sign becomes the square of - (x-2y)
3x-2y=1 5x+3y=8 3y-6z=-1
3x-2y=1 ①
5x+3y=8 ②
That is: the solution of the equations is x = 1; y = 1; Z = 2 / 3
For what? Question: how to solve the equation
Given the function f (x) = loga (x + 1), G (x) = loga (4-2x) (a > 0, and a ≠ 1); (I) find the domain of definition of function y = f (x) - G (x); (II) find the range of values of X that make the value of function y = f (x) - G (x) positive
(I) we can get x + 1 > 04 − 2x > 0 and the solution is - 1 < x < 2. We can get that the definition domain of function f (x) is (- 1,2). (II) f (x) = f (x) - G (x) = log a (x + 1) - log a (4-2x) = log a & nbsp; X + 14 − 2x, & nbsp; When a > 1, from x + 14 − 2x > 1 − 1 < x < 2, the solution is 1 < x < 2, so the value range of X is (1,2). When 0 < a < 1, from 0 < x + 14 − 2x < 1 − 1 < x < 2, the solution is - 1 < x < 1, so the value range of X is (- 1,1)
Factorization (X & sup2; + Y & sup2; - A & sup2;) & sup2; - 4x & sup2; Y & sup2;
A: use the square difference formula
The calculation formula of circumference length is as follows:______ The calculation formula of circle area is as follows:______ .
The radius of a circle is represented by the letter R, the diameter by the letter D, and the area by the letter S. the circumference formula of a circle is C = 2 π r = π D, and the area formula of a circle is s = π R2, so the answer is: C = 2 π r = π D; s = π R2