If ∫ (- A is the lower limit, a is the upper limit) (x-1) DX = - 4, the definite integral is used to calculate a=

If ∫ (- A is the lower limit, a is the upper limit) (x-1) DX = - 4, the definite integral is used to calculate a=

Factorization: - 4 + 9x & # 178;
∫ upper limit 3 lower limit-1 (4x-x2) DX definite integral
Original formula = (2x ^ 2-1 / 3 * x ^ 3) | (3, - 1)
9x & # 178; - 4 = 0 factorization solution equation
3x + 2 = 0 or 3x-2 = 0
x1=2/3.。。 x2=-2/3
Finding definite integral (1n X / √ x) * DX upper limit 4 lower limit 1
Step by step integral
∫[1,4] (1n x/√x)*dx
=2∫[1,4] 1n xd√x
=2√xlnx[1,4] -2∫[1,4] √xd1n x
=8ln2-2∫[1,4] √x/xd x
=8ln2-2∫[1,4] d√x
How to find the factorization of 3Y & # 178; - 5xy-y and a (a + b) (B-A) - B (a + b) (a-b)
Solution: extract common factor
Solution: extract the common factor
The upper limit of definite integral DX / (e ^ x + 1 + e ^ 3-x) is positive and infinite, and the lower limit is 0
The upper limit of definite integral DX / (e ^ x + 1 + e ^ 3-x) is positive and infinite, and the lower limit is 0
How much is (7y-3z) - (8y-5z),
It is known that the image of the quadratic function y = x & # 178; - (M-3) x + m + 6 of X intersects with X axis at two points a and B, and satisfies AB = 3. The value of M and the coordinates of points a and B are obtained
AB = | x1-x2 | = root [(x1 + x2) ^ 2-4x1x2] = root [(M-3) ^ 2-4 (M + 6)] = root [(m ^ 2-10m-15)]
So m ^ 2-10m-15 = 9
The solution is m = - 2 or M = 12
M = - 2, x ^ 2-5x + 4 = 0, so (1,0), (4,0)
M = 12, x ^ 2-9x + 18 = 0, so (3,0), (6,0)
Simplification: (7y-3z) - (8y-5z)=______ .
The original formula is 7y-3z-8y + 5Z = 2z-y