It is known that 1 / 8x ^ M-1 - (n + 2) x + 1 is a cubic binomial about X, and the value of the algebraic formula m ^ 2 + n ^ 2

It is known that 1 / 8x ^ M-1 - (n + 2) x + 1 is a cubic binomial about X, and the value of the algebraic formula m ^ 2 + n ^ 2

1 / 8x ^ M-1 - (n + 2) x + 1 is a cubic binomial of X,
So M-1 = 3, N + 2 = 0
M = 4, n = - 2
The value of the algebraic formula m ^ 2 + n ^ 2 = 16 + 4 = 20
M-1 = 3, so m = 4
There are only two terms - (n + 2) = 0, so n = - 2
So m ^ 2 + n ^ 2 = 16 + 4 = 20
Let m be greater than 1, under the constraint condition that y is greater than or equal to x, y is less than or equal to MX, x + y is less than or equal to 1, and the maximum value of the objective function z = x + 5Y is 4, then the value of M is
I hope I can tell you how to draw y less than or equal to MX,
I can't draw a picture. I can draw all the requirements on the same coordinate. I can get m according to the maximum value of the objective function. That is to say, y is less than or equal to MX. The value of Y is below the straight line y = MX, including the straight line part
Given the square of 4A + the square of B - 4A + 6B + 10 = 0, find the square of (4a-3b)
If the m-th power - (n-2) x + 2 of the algebraic formula X of X is a binomial of degree 3, then what is M-N?
Let m < - 2, under the constraint condition [y ≥ x, y ≤ MX, x + y ≤ 1], the minimum value of the objective function z = x + my is greater than - 5, and M is in the range of value
This is the most important thing
Given that the square of a minus 6B equals minus 5, the square of B minus 8C equals minus 19, and the square of C minus 4A equals 5, find the sum of a.b.c
The two sides of the three equations are added to the two sides of the three equations, and the two sides of the three equations are adding: A & \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\178; = 0a-2 = 0 B-3 = 0 C-4 = 0A = 2 b =
On the first floor
If 2x ^ n + (M + n) X-2 is a cubic binomial, then the value of the algebraic formula m ^ 2-N ^ 2 / 2 is
According to the meaning of the title:
The original formula = (- 3) &# 178; - 3 & # 178; △ 2
According to the meaning of the title
N = 3 cubic
M + n = 0 binomial
According to the meaning of the title:
The original formula = (- 3) &# 178; - 3 & # 178; △ 2
If inequality 0 ≤ x ^ 2-x-a ≤ 4 has and has only one solution, then the value of real number a is
Because y = x ^ 2-x-a is a quadratic function with an opening upward, there is a lowest point. In the interval of Y axis [0,4], only one point of the function falls on it. The difference of a will not make the function shift left and right, but will only make it move up and down. Therefore, the lowest point must fall on it and can only fall on y = 4 (you can draw a picture to try). Therefore, y = x ^ 2-x-a = 4 has a unique solution, which means y = 4 when Δ = 0, x = 1 / 2, Substituting (1 / 2,4) into y = x ^ 2-x-a, we get a = - 17 / 4
It is known that the univariate quadratic equation x ^ 2 + BX + C = x has two real roots x1, X2 and satisfies X1 > 0, x2-x1 > 1
For quadratic function y = x ^ 2 + BX + C, if the value of independent variable is x0, the corresponding function value is Y0
Then 0
X1 & gt; 0 on the line y = x, the abscissa and ordinate are equal,
Ψ Y1 = X1 (converted to the comparison of function values, which is the key point),
The two abscissa which are upward from the parabola opening and intersect with the straight line are X1 and X2 respectively, and the second intersection point is on the right,
When x0 & lt; x1, the parabola decreases from left to right,
If the N + 1 power (m-2) x + 1 of the algebraic formula 2x is a cubic binomial of X, then
M = how much
Think hard!
So n 1 = 3;
So m = 2; n = 2;