Compare the size of the cubic power of a-5b and the cubic power of a-4a

Compare the size of the cubic power of a-5b and the cubic power of a-4a

How big is the cubic power of a-5a square-2 compared with the cubic power of a-4a square-2?
The third power of a - the square of 5A - 2 - (the third power of a - the square of 4A - 2)
Let's do it. Let's make a formula
A truck starts from the supermarket, goes 3 kilometers east to Xiaobing's home, continues to walk 1.5 kilometers to Xiaoli's home, then goes 9.5 kilometers west to Xiaoming's home, and finally arrives at the supermarket
Photo: xiaomingjia supermarket xiaolijia xiaomingjia
Q: take the supermarket as the far point, take the east direction as the positive direction, and use a unit length to express 1 km. How many kilometers did the truck travel?
PS: I think it's 19 kilometers. What do you say?
The picture should be: xiaomingjia supermarket xiaobingjia xiaolijia is right? First get the distance between different places, take the supermarket as the origin, xiaobingjia is 3km away from the supermarket, xiaolijia is 1.5km away from xiaobingjia, so xiaomingjia is 9.5-3-1.5 = 5km away from the supermarket. Now calculate the distance of the train, walk east for 3km, to xiaobinjia
It is very convenient to draw a coordinate diagram
19 km
Km + 3 + 5 = 19.5
I don't know how to understand it
If it's by distance, it's 19
But the question says that the East is the positive direction, and the west is the negative direction. The total is 0
When the line y = ax + 1 and the hyperbola 3x ^ 2-y ^ 2 = 1 intersect at a and B, what is the value of a, the circle with diameter AB passes through the coordinate origin?
Substitute 3x ^ 2 - (AX + 1) ^ 2 = 1, simplify (3-A ^ 2) x ^ 2-2ax-2 = 0, let a (x1, Y1), B (X2, Y2), then X1 + x2 = 2A / (3-A ^ 2), X1 * x2 = 2 / (a ^ 2-3), so Y1 * y2 = (ax1 + 1) (AX2 + 1) = a ^ 2x1x2 + a (x1 + x2) + 1 = 1
A ^ 4-b ^ 4 and 4A ^ 3 (a-b), compare size, (a ≠ b)
A. B is 15 kilometers away from each other. One car starts from a at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, and the other car starts from B at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. Both cars start at the same time and travel in the same direction from B to a______ The distance between the two cars is 30 kilometers per hour
When two cars start at the same time and travel in the same direction, the first car travels 50-40 = 10 kilometers more than the second car per hour, and it is 15 kilometers apart at first. Then 30-15 = 15 kilometers, it takes 15 △ 10 = 1.5 hours, and the two cars are 30 kilometers apart
A straight line L: y = MX + 1, a hyperbola C: 3x2-y2 = 1, ask whether there is a value of M, so that l and C intersect at two points a and B, and a circle with diameter AB crosses the origin
Suppose that there is a value of M satisfying the condition, let a and B coordinates be (x1, Y1) (X2, Y2) respectively. From y = MX + 13x2 − y2 = 1, we get: (3-m2) x2-2mx-2 = 0, then 3-m2 ≠ 0, and △ = 4m2-4 (3-m2) (- 2) > 0, we get M2 < 6 and M2 ≠ 3
Try to compare the size of - 3 / 2a and - 3 / 4A
The positive and negative of a are not given
Can't compare
Let a be equal to 0, then the two formulas are equal
If a is a positive number
If a is negative
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When a = 0, it is the same. When a > 0, - 3 / 4A is the same
Is there a simple operation?
Item 1 and item 3 refer to the common factor 25
Then, the factor 1 / 2 is derived from item 2
Just work out the answer
simple form
I don't think so
If we put forward 5 / 4 first, it will become 5 / 4 * (15 + 6-5), which is so simple
Given that the line y = ax + 4 and the hyperbola 3x square - y square equal to 1 intersect at two points a and B, (1) if the circle with the diameter of line AB passes through the origin of the coordinate, find the value of the real number a
The line y = ax + 4 and the hyperbola 3x square - y square equal to 1 intersect at a and B
Let a (x1, ax1 + 4), B (X2, AX2 + 4)
The circle with ab line segment as diameter passes through the origin of coordinate
Vector OA ⊥ vector ob
So X1 * x2 + (ax1 + 4) * (AX2 + 4) = 0
That is, (1 + A ^ 2) X1 * x2 + a (x1 + x2) + 16 = 0 (1)
Y = y = ax + 4 and 3x ^ 2-y ^ 2 = 1 eliminate y simultaneously
(3-a^2)x^2-8ax-17=0…… (2)
Because there are two intersections between the straight line and hyperbola, 3-A ^ 2 ≠ 0
There are (2) gains
x1*x2=17/(a^2-3)…… (3)
x1+x2=-8/(a^2-3)…… (4)
Substituting (3) (4) into (1) gives the solution
The idea is like this, I don't know if your topic is wrong
Test it yourself
Given that the real numbers a, B and C satisfy B + C = 6-4a + 3a2 and C-B = 4-4a + A2, the size relation of a, B and C is ()
A. c≥b>aB. a>c≥bC. c>b>aD. a>c>b
From C-B = 4-4a + A2 = (2-A) 2 ≥ 0, C ≥ B. then from B + C = 6-4a + 3a2 ① C-B = 4-4a + A2 ② ① - ②, 2b = 2 + 2A2, that is, B = 1 + A2. ∵ 1 + A2 − a = (a − 12) 2 + 34 > 0, B = 1 + A2 > a.. C ≥ b > a