The radius of circle OA = 10cm, chord AB = 12cm, P is the moving point on AB, find the shortest distance from point P to center O of circle o

The radius of circle OA = 10cm, chord AB = 12cm, P is the moving point on AB, find the shortest distance from point P to center O of circle o

OP '⊥ AB in P'
Because the vertical line is the shortest, the distance from P to center O is the shortest when p is at p '
Vertical diameter theorem AP '= AB / 2 = 6cm
Pythagorean theorem OP '= √ (OA ^ 2-AP' ^ 2) = 8cm
The shortest distance is 8 cm

Circle Q1 is a circle with radius OA of circle O as its diameter, and intersects with chord ab of circle O at point C. given AB = 10cm, find the length of AC

The reasons are as follows.
Let ⊙ o radius OA = ob = R,
And Ao is the diameter of the circle ⊙ 1,
⊥ OC = 90 ° or OC ⊥ ab,
The proof is over

As shown in the figure, the radius of circle O is OA = 5cm, chord AB = 8cm, and point P is the moving point on chord AB, then the shortest distance between point P and center O is______ cm.

When op ⊥ AB, OP is the shortest,
The shortest distance from point P to center O is 3cm
So the answer is: 3

As shown in the figure, the diameter AB in circle O intersects with chord CD at point E. given AE = 1cm, be = 5cm, angle DEB = 60 °, find out the length of chord CD

Because AE = 1cm, be = 5cm
So OE = 2cm
Oh through O is perpendicular to CD and H
So ch = DH
Because ∠ DEB = 60 °, EHO = 90 °
So eh = 1, oh = radical 3
Linking Co
Because CO is the radius of circle o
So co = 3cm
Because Oh = root 3cm
So ch = radical 6cm (Pythagorean theorem)
So CD = 2CD = 2 root sign 6
Just made the Ang, hit the music

As shown in the figure, in the parallelogram ABCD, ab = 5cm, ad = 3cm, point E is on the extension line of AB, be: AE = 2:7 Join de and intersect BC at point F Find the value of (1) DF / EF and (2) the length of FC

(1) ∵ in the parallelogram ABCD

As shown in the figure, the edge ab of rectangular ABCD passes through the center of ⊙ o, e and F are the intersection points of AB, CD and ⊙ o respectively. If AE = 3cm, ad = 4cm, DF = 5cm, then the diameter of ⊙ o is equal to______ .

Connect of, as FG ⊥ AB at point G
Then eg = df-ae = 5-3 = 2cm
Let the radius of ⊙ o be r,
Then of = R, og = R-2
In the right angle △ OFG, of2 = fg2 + og2,
R2 = (R-2) 2 + 42,
The solution is: r = 5
The diameter is 10 cm
So the answer is: 10

If the radius of ⊙ o is 5cm, the chord ab ∥ CD, ab = 6cm, CD = 8cm, then the distance between AB and CD is () A. 1 cm B. 7 cm C. 1 cm or 7 cm D. It's impossible to judge

It can be divided into two cases: ① when AB and CD are on the same side of O, as shown in Fig. 1, OE ⊥ AB in E, Cd in F, OA, OC, ∵ ab ∥ CD, ∵ of ⊥ CD, ⊥ from the vertical diameter theorem, AE = 12ab = 3cm, CF = 12CD = 4cm, in RT △ OAE, from the Pythagorean theorem, OE = oa2 − AE2 = 52 − 32 = 4 (CM) is obtained

In ⊙ o, chord AB = 24cm, chord CD = 10cm. If the distance between center O and ab is 5cm, then the distance from point O to string CD is______ cm.

Through O, make the vertical lines of AB and CD respectively, and the vertical feet are e, F, connected with OA and OC, as shown in the figure,
AB = 24cm, CD = 10cm,
And OE = 5,
In RT △ AOE, OA=
In RT △ OCF, of=
The distance from point O to CD is 12cm
So the answer is: 12

If the radius of ⊙ o is 5cm, the chord ab ∥ CD, ab = 6cm, CD = 8cm, then the distance between AB and CD is () A. 1 cm B. 7 cm C. 1 cm or 7 cm D. It's impossible to judge

There are two cases: ① when AB and CD are on the same side of O, as shown in Figure 1,
O as OE ⊥ AB in E, Cd in F, OA, OC,
According to the vertical diameter theorem, AE = 1
In RT △ OAE, from Pythagorean theorem, OE is obtained=
Similarly, of = 3cm is obtained,
When AB and CD are on both sides of O, as shown in Fig. 2, OE = 4cm, of = 3cm can be obtained by the same method,
EF = 3cm + 4cm;
The distance between AB and CD is 1cm or 7cm,
Therefore, C

It is known that AB and CD are two parallel chords of circle O. the radius of circle O is 5cm, ab = 8cm, CD = 6cm. Find the distance between AB and CD

7 cm or 1 cm