Formula for calculating the area of regular hexagon?

Formula for calculating the area of regular hexagon?

Area formula of regular n-polygon
C -- perimeter
R -- radius

Area formula of regular hexagon and sum of inner angles of regular hexagon

(n = (n = 720 2-type interior angle) * (n = 6)
Area formula: if the side length is a, the area formula is s = (3 root sign 3 / 2) a ^ 2

The area of an equilateral triangle is 12, and the side length of a regular hexagon is equal to half of the regular triangle Write down the formula,

It can be seen from the graph that the area of the hexagon is one and a half times that of the triangle, that is, 12 × 3 / 4 × 2 = 18

How to find the area of a regular hexagon I know it can be divided into six equilateral triangles, but I forget the area of the equilateral triangle

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A formula for the area of a regular hexagon with a side length

A formula for the area of a regular hexagon with a side length
The area of regular hexagon is 6 × 1 / 2 × a × (√ 3 / 2) a = 3 √ 3A / 2

How to calculate the area of a regular hexagon with side length 1 S=6S'=3(√3)1²/2 How to calculate?

Connect the relative vertices and divide it into six small regular triangles

A regular hexagon with an area of 12 square meters What's the angle --|| What is the specific side length --||

A regular hexagon is composed of six equilateral triangles. The area of each equilateral triangle is 12 / 6 = 2, and the height of an equilateral triangle is √ 3 / 2 times of the length of the side. Let the side length be XX * x * √ 3 / 4 = 2x * x = 8 √ 3 / 3 = 4

The area formula of a regular hexagon: how many square meters is the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 30 cm? How many square meters is the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 30 cm? How to calculate the number under the root sign?

When the side length of the area formula of a regular hexagon is 30, there is an area formula s = (3 root sign 3 / 2) 30 ^ 2 = regular hexagon ruler and gauge drawing: draw a circle, make a diameter. Take the two ends of the diameter as the center of the circle, draw the circle respectively with the radius of the circle made, make four intersections, and connect the four points and the two ends of the diameter in order

Hexagon area formula No letters

Divide the hexagon into six triangles and calculate the area

The side length of a hexagon is 25 cm. What is its area?

An equilateral hexagon can be divided into two isosceles triangles and a rectangle
25 * radical 3 = length of middle rectangle,
25 / 2 = height of top triangle
(25 * radical 3 * 25 / 2) / 2 = area of a triangle
Pushing area = [(25 * root 3 * 25 / 2) / 2] * 2 + 25 * 25 * root 3
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