It is known that the radius of circumscribed circle of regular hexagon is 2, and the area of regular hexagon is?

It is known that the radius of circumscribed circle of regular hexagon is 2, and the area of regular hexagon is?

Some of them are right upstairs
It is right that the side length of a hexagon is 2
A hexagon is composed of six equilateral triangles with two sides
The area of each triangle is √ 3
Then the area of hexagon s = 6 √ 3

If the area ratio of a regular hexagon to a regular triangle is 9:4, then their side length ratio is

Let a regular triangle have six equilateral triangles,
So the area ratio of a regular hexagon to a regular triangle is 9:4 = (6 * 1 / 2 * √ 3 / 2 * m * m) / (1 / 2 * √ 3 / 2 * n * n), 24 * m * m = 9 * n * n, N: M = 2 √ 6 / 3

The side length and area of regular triangle, square and regular hexagon with radius of 4 are calculated respectively

Square: area 16 perimeter 16
Regular triangle: area 4, sign 3, circumference 1
Regular hexagon: area 24 root sign 3 circumference 24

The side length of the regular hexagon is 12mm, and the bottom area = √ 3 / 4 * 12 ^ 2 * 6 √ 3 / 4 12 ^ 2 and 6

12 ^ 2 the square of 12
The square of 3 / 4 3 eradication was 4
Six is six

What is the area of a regular hexagon with side length 2?

It can be divided into a rectangle and two isosceles triangles with 120 vertex angles

How to find the area of a regular hexagon with side length of 12?

According to the characteristics of equilateral triangles, the area of a single triangle is 12 * (root 3) / 2 * 12 / 2 = 36 * (root 3), so the area of regular hexagon is 6 * 36 * (root 3) = 216 * (root 3)

As shown in the figure, a small circle rolls along the edge of a Pentagon. If the length of each side of the Pentagon is equal to the circumference of the small circle, then when the small circle rolls to the original position, the number of turns of the small circle itself is () A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10

Because each side of the Pentagon is equal to the circumference of the small circle, all the small circles roll exactly one cycle on each side and five cycles on the five sides. Because each time the small circle rolls from one side of the Pentagon to the other side, it will flip 72 degrees, so the small circle rolls around the five corners for a total of six cycles
Therefore, C

The side length of a regular pentagon is equal to the circumference of a circle. The circle turns from a vertex of the Pentagon to the origin, and finds the number of turns of the circle

It should be six laps
Focus on the distance of the center of the circle
In this case, the loop is closed at the top of the loop
So six laps

The circumference of an equilateral triangle is 3.6 decimeters. What is its side length?

If the side length of the triangle is x decimeter, then:
3x = 3.6: x = 1.2
Answer: the side length of triangle is 1.2 decimeter

An equilateral triangle has a circumference of 9.6cm. What is the side length of it? Use the regular of 6.28decimeter An equilateral triangle has a circumference of 9.6 cm. What is its side length? Use a square with a side length of 6.28 decimeters to form a largest cylindrical paper cylinder. The height of the paper tube is (), the side area is (), and the volume is ()

An equilateral triangle has a circumference of 9.6 cm and a side length of 3.2 cm
A square with a side length of 6.28 decimeters is used to form a largest cylindrical paper cylinder. The height of the paper cylinder is (6.28), the side area is (6.28 * 6.28 = 39.4384), and the volume is:
r=6.28/(2*3.14) =1