Cos (3pi / 2 + 2a) given cosa = 1 / 3

Cos (3pi / 2 + 2a) given cosa = 1 / 3

Given that cosa = - 5 / 13, a belongs to (π, 3 π / 2), what is the value of sin (π / 3-A) and COS (π / 3-A)?
Cosa = - 5 / 13, a belongs to (π, 3 π / 2),
How to get the derivative of LNX square,
Let u = LNX be the square of y = U
First, find the derivation y '= 2U of Y with respect to u, and then multiply by the derivation u' = 1 / X of u with respect to X
So the derivation of Y with respect to X is y '= (2lnx) / X
Find the minimum value of the function y = SiNx + 2sinxcosx + 3cosx and the set of X at this time
Y = SiNx + 2sinxcosx + 3cosx
=2 + (2 square root) sin (2x + Pai / 4)
You can calculate the result
How to find the derivative of the square of (LNX) / x,
The formula (A / b) '= (a'b-ab') / b ^ 2 should be used
Pay attention to the chain rule!
"'" means derivation and "^ 2" means square
Square of (LNX) / x = [(LNX's Square) 'X - (x)' (LNX)] / x square = [2xlnx (LNX) '(LNX's Square)] / x square = [2lnx - (LNX's Square)] / x square
The derivative of compound function, I suggest you read a book
First, the derivative of the outer circumference is multiplied by the derivative of the inner circumference function to INX / X
What is the minimum value of the known function FX = root of half three sin2x - half (cosx square minus SiNx Square) minus one
-Can you give me the formula and calculation process?
Derivative of LNX square
From the derivative method of compound function
It is necessary to find the maximum and minimum of the square X of the function y = 2-5 / 4sinx cos
When SiNx = 2 / 5, the minimum value of Y is 21 / 25
When SiNx = - 1, the maximum value of y = (- 1-2 / 5) &# 178; + 21 / 25 = 49 / 25 + 21 / 25 = 14 / 5
There are too many processes to type. First of all, you can see that y is greater than zero. You square both sides at the same time, find the minimum and maximum after the square, and then square
(2-4sinx / 5-cos ^ 2x) = (2-4sinx / 5-cos ^ 2x) = (2-4sinx / 5-cos ^ 2x) = (2-4sinx / 5) cosx-2cosx (- 4 / 5) cosx-2cosx (- 4 / 5) cosx + 2 SiNx cosx let y (39; = (2-4sinx / 5 / 5) cosx = (2-4sinx / 5) when cosx = 0, SiNx = ± 1, the above equation holds, at this time, y = 2 - (4 / 5) SiNx = 2 - (4 / 5 (4 / 5) SiNx = 6 / 5 or 14 / 5 or 14 / 5, when cosx is not equal to 0, the above equation can get SiNx = -2-2 = -2 / 5-2 / 5, at this time, the cos ^ 2x = 1-2x = 21 / 25, then y = 2 = 2-4 / 25, y = 2-4 / 4 / 4 / based on the above conclusions, ymax = 14 / 5, ymax = 6 / 5 & nbsp;
Finding the derivative of F (x) = x square * SiNx * LNX
It is x * SiNx + 2x * LNX * SiNx + LNX * cosx * x ^ 2
Find the maximum and minimum of the function y = - cos ^ 2x-4sinx + 8
Thank you very much!
y= -cos^2 x-4sinx+8=sin^2 x-1-4sinx+8=sin^2 x-4sinx+7
Let SiNx = Z, so - 1
Maximum 12, minimum 4
Y = - cos ^ 2 x-4sinx + 8 = sin ^ 2x-4sinx + 7 let t = SiNx (- 1)