It is known that, as shown in the figure: in the plane rectangular coordinate system, O is the coordinate origin, the quadrilateral oabc is a rectangle, the coordinates of points a and C are a (10,0), C (0,4), point D is the midpoint of OA, and point P moves on the edge of BC. When △ ODP is an isosceles triangle with waist length of 5, the coordinate of point P is______ .

It is known that, as shown in the figure: in the plane rectangular coordinate system, O is the coordinate origin, the quadrilateral oabc is a rectangle, the coordinates of points a and C are a (10,0), C (0,4), point D is the midpoint of OA, and point P moves on the edge of BC. When △ ODP is an isosceles triangle with waist length of 5, the coordinate of point P is______ .

(1) When od is the bottom of an isosceles triangle, P is the intersection of the vertical bisector of OD and CB, and op = PD ≠ 5; (2) when od is a waist of an isosceles triangle: ① if point O is the vertex of vertex, point P is the intersection of an arc with radius 5 and CB, and in the right angle △ OPC, CP = op2-oc2 = 52-42 = 3, then the coordinates of P are (3,4) In the right angle △ PDM, PM = pd2-dm2 = 3, when p is on the left side of M, CP = 5-3 = 2, then the coordinates of P are (2,4); when p is on the right side of M, CP = 5 + 3 = 8, then the coordinates of P are (8,4). So the coordinates of P are: (3,4) or (2,4) or (8,4) )Or (8, 4)
The focus of hyperbola C2 ellipse C1 is the vertex, the vertex is the focus, and B is any point on the first quadrant of hyperbola
A f is the right vertex of the ellipse and E = (1 / 2) ∧ 0.5 of the left focus ellipse
Hyperbola C2, the focus of ellipse C1 is the vertex, the vertex is the focus, and B is any point on the first quadrant of hyperbola. Let's ask whether there is a constant λ such that the angle BAF = λ BFA is constant. If there is, find the value of λ
Let B (x1, Y1)
A (x, 0) f (- sqrt (2) / 2x, 0) (sqrt root) can be easily obtained
But when I make a vertical line from B to x, I'm depressed,
Tan (angle BAF) = Y1 / (x-x1)
Tan (angle BFA) = Y1 / (x1 + sqrt (2) / 2x)
How can we not find that the two angles are proportional to each other
As shown in the figure, in the plane rectangular coordinate system, O is the coordinate origin, the quadrilateral oabc is a rectangle, the coordinates of points a and C are a (20,0), C (0,8), point D is the midpoint of OA, and point P moves on the side of BC. When △ ODP is an isosceles triangle with waist length of 10, the coordinate of point P is___ .
∵ a (20,0), C (0,8), the quadrilateral oabc is a rectangle, D is the midpoint of OA, ∵ OC = 8, OD = 10, ∵ OCB = ∵ cod = 90 °, ① OP = od = 10, obtained from Pythagorean theorem: CP = 102-82 = 6, that is, the coordinates of P are (6,8); ② DP = od = 10, PM ⊥ OA over P to m, then PM = OC = 8, obtained from Pythagorean theorem
Through the left focus of the ellipse x ^ 2 / 9 + y ^ 2 = 1, make a straight line and the ellipse intersect at two points ab. if the tension of the chord AB is equal to the length of the minor axis, find the linear equation
Let the linear equation be y = K (x + 2 √ 2)
It is associated with elliptic equations: (1 + 9K & # 178;) x & # 178; + 36 (√ 2) K & # 178; X + 72K & # 178; - 9 = 0. ⊿ = 36 (K & # 178; + 1)
From the chord length formula: √ (1 + K & # 178;) * [(√ ⊿) / (1 + 9K & # 178;)] = 2
The linear equation y = ± (√ 3 / 3 (x + 2 √ 2)
As shown in the figure, in the rectangular coordinate system, the quadrilateral oabc is a rectangular trapezoid. BC ‖ OA, ⊙ P is tangent to OA, OC and BC at points e, D and B respectively, and intersects AB at point F. given a (2,0), B (1,2), then Tan ∠ FDE=______ .
Connect Pb, PE. ∵ P with OA, BC respectively, tangent to points e, B, ∵ Pb ⊥ BC, PE ⊥ OA, ∵ BC ∥ OA, ∵ B, P, E in a straight line, ∵ a (2,0), B (1,2), ∵ AE = 1, be = 2, ∵ Tan ∠ Abe = aebe = 12, ∵ ∠ EDF = ∠ Abe, ∵ Tan ∠ FDE = 12
AB is the chord of the left focus f passing through the ellipse x ^ 2 / 5 + y ^ 2 / 4 = 1. If the line L intersects the ellipse at two points of AB, if the chord length of AB is (16 √ 5) / 9, the equation of line L is obtained
This is the first time that is 4x \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35;178; + 10K & #178; X + 5K & #178; - 20 = 0
As shown in the figure, in the rectangular coordinate system, the coordinates of the fixed point B of the rectangular oabc are (8,6), and the straight line y = 2 / 3 + m will exactly hold OA
The straight line y = 2 / 3 + m just divides the rectangular oabc into two parts with equal area, and calculates the value of M
Wrong number just now
A straight line passing through the center of a rectangle can divide the area of the rectangle equally
So the line must pass (4,3)
Substituting the line y = (2 / 3) x + m, M = 1 / 3 is obtained
Through the left focus of the ellipse x2 + 2Y2 = 4, make a straight line L with an inclination angle of 30 degrees, intersect the ellipse at two points a and B, find the equation of the straight line L, and the coordinates of the midpoint of the length ab of the chord ab
The focus of the (2,0) line is the slope of the line. The slope of the straight line is k = Tan 30 ° = √ 3 / 3 ᦉ; the linear equation is: y = {3 / 3 (x - √ 2) and ellipse x-178; (4 + 2Y ᦉ 178; + 2,0) the slope of the line is the slope of the line, and the slope of the straight line is k = Tan, 30 ° 30 ° 30 ° = √ 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 {3 / 3 / 3 (x - {2 / 3 (x-3) (x-178) (x-3 (x-3 / 3 (x-3) (x-3) (178)); the equation is: the equation is: y equation is: y equation is: y = {3 / 5x5x &, that is: y-5x &; 178; 178; 178; - 4; it's not easy
In the plane rectangular coordinate system, O is the origin of the coordinate, the quadrilateral oabc is the rectangle, the coordinate of point a is (10,0) C (0,4), and point D is the midpoint of OA, P is
When △ ODP is an isosceles triangle with waist length 5, the coordinates of point P are
When △ ODP is an isosceles triangle with waist length of 5
∵ OC=4
The OCP is RT △
∴ CP=3
The coordinates of point P are (3,4)
If we pass through the left focus of the ellipse x ^ 2 + 2Y ^ 2 = 4 and make a chord AB with an inclination angle of π / 3, then the length of the chord AB is
X ^ 2 + 2Y ^ 2 = 4x ^ 2 / 4 + y ^ 2 / 2 = 1A ^ 2 = 4, B ^ 2 = 2, C ^ 2 = a ^ 2-B ^ 2 = 2, left focus coordinate: (- √ 2,0) tilt angle is π / 3, KAB = Tan π / 3 = √ 3AB equation is: y = √ 3 (x + √ 2) substitute: x ^ 2 + 2Y ^ 2 = 4 get: x ^ 2 + 2 (√ 3 (x + √ 2)) ^ 2 = 47x ^ 2 + 12 √ 2x + 8 = 0x1 + x2 = - 12 √ 2 / 7, x1x2 = 8 / 7 (x1