

My friend
I have a lot of friends,but I have only a few goodfriends.Oneof them is my bestfriend.Weare both twelve yearsold.Heis fat andtall.Helikes to eat oranges andmeat.Heis very straight andgenerous.Wealways help eachother.Heis a nice boy and his math is verygood.Helikes to play football and basketball.I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot fromhim.Hecan always come up with smart answers to those difficultquestions.Weusually play together after school in theafternoon.Heis very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets meup.Afterall we get a longwell.Butsometimes we fight eachother.Hisgoal is to be a mathteacher.Helives in LinShan and Ilive inXiangshan.Butwe are good friends.