英語翻譯 5道英文選擇題,小人請達人們來線上解答,謝謝叔叔阿姨奶奶爺爺的拉 1 Improper food can damage your hair,[ ] A so can the stress in life B so the stress in life can C neither can the stress in life D neither the stress in life can 2 I can not sleep because it is [] A too much hot B much too hot C hot too much D hot much too 3 Not until I began to work[] how much time I had wasted. A didn't I realize B did I realize C I didn't relize D I realized 4 So[] that no fish can live in it. A the lake is shallow B shallow the lake is C shallow is the lake D is the lake shallow 5 Little[] about his own safety,though he was in great danger himself. A does he care B did he care C he cares D he cared 還有這種題目是什麼類型的呀 首先感謝5比特的回答,大家不要急於回答,看看自己回答得是否有問題。

英語翻譯 5道英文選擇題,小人請達人們來線上解答,謝謝叔叔阿姨奶奶爺爺的拉 1 Improper food can damage your hair,[ ] A so can the stress in life B so the stress in life can C neither can the stress in life D neither the stress in life can 2 I can not sleep because it is [] A too much hot B much too hot C hot too much D hot much too 3 Not until I began to work[] how much time I had wasted. A didn't I realize B did I realize C I didn't relize D I realized 4 So[] that no fish can live in it. A the lake is shallow B shallow the lake is C shallow is the lake D is the lake shallow 5 Little[] about his own safety,though he was in great danger himself. A does he care B did he care C he cares D he cared 還有這種題目是什麼類型的呀 首先感謝5比特的回答,大家不要急於回答,看看自己回答得是否有問題。

1.A so can the stress in life
這是so +助動詞+主語的倒裝句型.表示“.也一樣”.原句是個肯定句,故只能用so.不能用neither.
2.B much too hot
much不能修飾形容詞原型,但可修飾too.故A too much hot和D hot much too都錯.too可修飾形容詞原型,“太.”的意思.
3.B did I realize
這是強調句Not until.的倒裝句,要用半倒裝,詞序:“助動詞+主語+謂語”
4.C shallow is the lake
5.B did he care