英語翻譯 請高手幫我翻譯下下列句子及短語.滿意的話追分.. 1.She and seven other non-Chinese winners were chosen from a poor of 262 applicants from 47 countries in a contest organised by Chinese computer maker Lenovo Group and the offcial English-language newspaper,China Daily.(長、難句,翻譯不通順) 2.She was also representing thousands of Chinese orphans,ABC news said.(主要是後半句不明白) 3.Half the Sky Foundation(應該是某個組織名) 4.enrich the lives(短語) 5.improve the prospects for the orphans in China(短語) 6.(be)present in(短語含義不知道) 7.Approximately 4000 children are active in the programme,which provides trained staff,educational tools,medical support and nurturing love to orphans.(翻譯不通順,一些短語含義不知道) 8.an 85000-mile,130-day route across five continents(最後一個單詞的意思)

英語翻譯 請高手幫我翻譯下下列句子及短語.滿意的話追分.. 1.She and seven other non-Chinese winners were chosen from a poor of 262 applicants from 47 countries in a contest organised by Chinese computer maker Lenovo Group and the offcial English-language newspaper,China Daily.(長、難句,翻譯不通順) 2.She was also representing thousands of Chinese orphans,ABC news said.(主要是後半句不明白) 3.Half the Sky Foundation(應該是某個組織名) 4.enrich the lives(短語) 5.improve the prospects for the orphans in China(短語) 6.(be)present in(短語含義不知道) 7.Approximately 4000 children are active in the programme,which provides trained staff,educational tools,medical support and nurturing love to orphans.(翻譯不通順,一些短語含義不知道) 8.an 85000-mile,130-day route across five continents(最後一個單詞的意思)
