consistent with the data in the first pie chart,the entire body of the world's water sources is predominantly made up of fresh water with only a small quantity of salt water making up the remainer. 形容詞加介詞短語consistent with the data in the first pie chart做什麼成分? 能具體說說是什麼語法現象嗎?

consistent with the data in the first pie chart,the entire body of the world's water sources is predominantly made up of fresh water with only a small quantity of salt water making up the remainer. 形容詞加介詞短語consistent with the data in the first pie chart做什麼成分? 能具體說說是什麼語法現象嗎?

consistent with為與.一致,with為介詞,後面接名詞data,即與data一致,data後面接的介賓短語in the first pie chart是做定語,修飾data,意為“第一塊餅狀圖裡的數據”.