定語從句中“介詞+which/whose+名詞”結構具體怎麼用?什麼情况下“介詞+關係詞”中的介詞必須在關係詞前 一、“介詞+which+名詞”結構具體怎麼用?和單獨用which有什麼區別? 如句1-1:It rained all night and all day,during which time the ship broke in pieces. 不是說時間狀語就用when=介詞+which麼?那我改成句1-2對否? 句1-2:It rained all night and all day,during which the ship broke in pieces. 句2-1:I called him by the wrong name,for which mistake I should apologize. 同理改成句2-2呢?I called him by the wrong name,for which I should apologize. 二、什麼情况下“介詞+關係詞”中的介詞必須在關係詞前? 句3-1:She will never forget the day on which she was married. 據說句3-1中on就必須在which前,於是有結論說介詞+關係詞可以等同於關係副詞時,介詞必須在關係詞前,但也見句3-2成立: 句3-2:This is small house(which)I used to live in. 於是暈了,必有重賞, 還有些關係副詞可以當介賓用,這是怎麼回事?如句4-1。什麼時候能當介賓?when能當介賓嗎? 句4-1:She climbed up to the top of temple,from where she could see some things in the distance.

定語從句中“介詞+which/whose+名詞”結構具體怎麼用?什麼情况下“介詞+關係詞”中的介詞必須在關係詞前 一、“介詞+which+名詞”結構具體怎麼用?和單獨用which有什麼區別? 如句1-1:It rained all night and all day,during which time the ship broke in pieces. 不是說時間狀語就用when=介詞+which麼?那我改成句1-2對否? 句1-2:It rained all night and all day,during which the ship broke in pieces. 句2-1:I called him by the wrong name,for which mistake I should apologize. 同理改成句2-2呢?I called him by the wrong name,for which I should apologize. 二、什麼情况下“介詞+關係詞”中的介詞必須在關係詞前? 句3-1:She will never forget the day on which she was married. 據說句3-1中on就必須在which前,於是有結論說介詞+關係詞可以等同於關係副詞時,介詞必須在關係詞前,但也見句3-2成立: 句3-2:This is small house(which)I used to live in. 於是暈了,必有重賞, 還有些關係副詞可以當介賓用,這是怎麼回事?如句4-1。什麼時候能當介賓?when能當介賓嗎? 句4-1:She climbed up to the top of temple,from where she could see some things in the distance.

1、其實“介詞+which+名詞”結構是代替一些特殊的形式中的that .例如:during which time本來是during that time,這裡的that time指的是上文中的all day and all night.由於我們不會用during then或during that…