定語從句關於介詞提前 麻煩哪位大師幫我把定語從句中介詞提前的部分講一下,最好細一點.(可以結合下麵的例句)October 1,1949 is the day. The People';s Republic of China was founded on ;October 1,1949.---October 1,1949 is the day when(=on which)the People';s Republic of China was founded. ;I';ll never forget the time. We worked on the farm during the time.---I';ll never forget the time when(=during which)we worked on the farm.I recently went to the town. I was born in the town.---I recently went to the town. where(=in which)I wasborn.Thereason why(=for which)he was late was that he missed his train.(能把這句話拆成兩句嗎?) ;另外,who、whom、whose、when、where、why在定語從句中作為連接詞,那些、在做什麼成分時是可以省略的啊?

定語從句關於介詞提前 麻煩哪位大師幫我把定語從句中介詞提前的部分講一下,最好細一點.(可以結合下麵的例句)October 1,1949 is the day. The People';s Republic of China was founded on ;October 1,1949.---October 1,1949 is the day when(=on which)the People';s Republic of China was founded. ;I';ll never forget the time. We worked on the farm during the time.---I';ll never forget the time when(=during which)we worked on the farm.I recently went to the town. I was born in the town.---I recently went to the town. where(=in which)I wasborn.Thereason why(=for which)he was late was that he missed his train.(能把這句話拆成兩句嗎?) ;另外,who、whom、whose、when、where、why在定語從句中作為連接詞,那些、在做什麼成分時是可以省略的啊?

e.g. This is the teacher from whom we’ve learned a lot.這就是從他那裡我們學了很多東西的老師.
Great changes have taken place in the city in which we live.我們所居住的都市發生了巨大的變化.
e.g. The situation(which/that)we had got into was very dangerous.我們當時的處境很危險.
The man(whom/who/that)you were talking to just now is my English teacher.你剛剛和他談話的那個人是我的英語老師.
e.g. This is the pen which I’m looking for.這是我正在找的那支鋼筆.
不能寫成:This is the pen for which I’m looking.
e.g. That old man has two sons,one of whom is a doctor.那個老人有兩個兒子,其中一個是醫生.
The house,the windows of which(= whose windows = of which the windows)were damaged,has now been repaired.窗子遭破壞的那棟房子現在已經修好了.
e.g. I’ll never forget the day when I joined the party.(when= on which).我永遠都不會忘記入黨的日子.
The factory where my father works is in the east of the city.(where = in which).父親工作的那家工廠在城東.
None of us know the reason why Tom was absent from the meeting.(why = for which).我們都不知道湯姆缺席會議的原因.
e.g. He lived in a big house,in front of which stood a big tall tree.他住在一幢大房子裏,房前有一棵大樹.