複數名詞前面可以用嗎The嗎? Some people insist that children should learn something besides the subjects in schools. 這句語法複數名詞前面可以用嗎The嗎?

複數名詞前面可以用嗎The嗎? Some people insist that children should learn something besides the subjects in schools. 這句語法複數名詞前面可以用嗎The嗎?

在這個句子中,the是必需要加的,因為subjects後有in schools這個定語,所以用the來特指學校裏的學科,而不是其他的什麼學科.
House prices are always rising these years.
House prices泛指所有房價,不用the.
The house prices in my city are always rising these years.
The house prices in my city特指我們都市的房價,所以要加the.