將下列句子改為含賓語從句的複合句 1,Where can I buy a bick?Can you tell me?2,When does the party begin?i wonder. 3,How does he learn English?Do you know?4,What are the girls doing there?Plrase tell me 5,Which car belongs to Bob?I don’t know請問含賓語從句的複合句都是什麼,要講解講明謝謝

將下列句子改為含賓語從句的複合句 1,Where can I buy a bick?Can you tell me?2,When does the party begin?i wonder. 3,How does he learn English?Do you know?4,What are the girls doing there?Plrase tell me 5,Which car belongs to Bob?I don’t know請問含賓語從句的複合句都是什麼,要講解講明謝謝

Can you tell me where ;I can buy a bike?I wonder when the partybegins.Doyou know how he learns English?Please tell me what the girls are doing there.I don';t know which car belongs to Bob