四、將下麵的句子連接成為含有賓語從句的複合句. (1)These flowers are fromGuangdong.Hesaid. He said ___________these flowers ______________from Guangdong. (2)Light travels faster thansound.Myteacher told me. My teacher told me ___________light _____________faster than sound. (3)There will be a meeting in fivedays.Jackdidn’t know. Jack didn’t know ____________there ___________ _________a meeting in five days. (4)Can they speak French?I want to know. I want to know __________ ___________ ___________ ___________French. (5)Are the children playing games?Tell me. Tell me __________the children __________ __________games. (6)Have you finished your homework yet?Mr.Zhaoasked Ma Chao Mr.Zhaoasked Ma Chao _______ _______ ______ _____ _____homework yet. (7)How many people can you see in the picture?Who knows? Who knows _______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ________in the picture? (8)Where did she park her car?Do you know? Do you know ___________ __________ _________her car? (9)What does he often talk about?The girl wondered. The girl wondered _________ ________often ____________about. (10)Who knocked at the door so loudly?I don’t know. I don’t know __________ ____________at the door so loudly.

四、將下麵的句子連接成為含有賓語從句的複合句. (1)These flowers are fromGuangdong.Hesaid. He said ___________these flowers ______________from Guangdong. (2)Light travels faster thansound.Myteacher told me. My teacher told me ___________light _____________faster than sound. (3)There will be a meeting in fivedays.Jackdidn’t know. Jack didn’t know ____________there ___________ _________a meeting in five days. (4)Can they speak French?I want to know. I want to know __________ ___________ ___________ ___________French. (5)Are the children playing games?Tell me. Tell me __________the children __________ __________games. (6)Have you finished your homework yet?Mr.Zhaoasked Ma Chao Mr.Zhaoasked Ma Chao _______ _______ ______ _____ _____homework yet. (7)How many people can you see in the picture?Who knows? Who knows _______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ________in the picture? (8)Where did she park her car?Do you know? Do you know ___________ __________ _________her car? (9)What does he often talk about?The girl wondered. The girl wondered _________ ________often ____________about. (10)Who knocked at the door so loudly?I don’t know. I don’t know __________ ____________at the door so loudly.

3.that,would be
4 that,if you can speak
5.whether,are playing
6.if he had finished his
7.what is the number of people
8.where she parked
9.what he,talked
10.who knocked