初二英語作文70詞左右 預測下100年後的生活(從電腦、上學、交通、機器人等角度)和都市(規模、綠化、污染、人口、交通等)的樣子.(基本句型:will…,;there will be .)

初二英語作文70詞左右 預測下100年後的生活(從電腦、上學、交通、機器人等角度)和都市(規模、綠化、污染、人口、交通等)的樣子.(基本句型:will…,;there will be .)

Life in the future will become more and more interesting. I think everybody will have a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their problems. Students won't go to school every day. Most of the time they will study on the internet. We shall all have telephones in our pockets,too . Machines will do most of the work,and people willl have more holidays . Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there. There will be more and more beautiful trees and flowers. There will be less polution and the traffic will bebetter.Solife will become easier.


In 20 years,there won't be any school in our country. Students will study on computer at home. If they have problem,the teacher will help them with the problems on line. They won't use paper any more. They can answer the questions on the computer. They will study on computer only twohours.Sothey will have many free time to relax. They cando what they want to do.

