關於青春與夢想的英語演講稿 英文的,五分鐘以內~

關於青春與夢想的英語演講稿 英文的,五分鐘以內~

Here are the samples of thistitle.whydon't you just write one if you want to take part in the speech contest?
No young man believes he shall everdie.Thereis a feeling of Eternity in youth,which makes us amend foreverying.Tobe young to be as one of the ImmortalGods.Onehalf of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for as with all its countless treasures;for there is no line drawn,and we see no limit to our hopes andwishes.Wemake thecoming age our own-
The vast,the unbounded prospect lies before us,including our dreams.
So I'llsay:Concentrate uponyour dreams and they will become materialactualities.Throughconcentration we work out our dreams in physicallife.Yourfuture depends upon the dreams you are formingnow.Yourpast dreams are determining yourpresent.Therefore,if you want a bright future,you must begin to prepare for it today.
We say a man is as changeable as theweather.Whatis meant is his dreamschange.Everytime you change your idea you thinkdifferently.Youbecome like a rudderless boat on anocean.Thereforerealize the importance of holding to your dream until it becomes a reality .
Catch the star that holds your destiny,the one that forever twinkles within yourheart.Takeadvantage of precious opporyunities while they still sparkle beforeyou.Alwaysbelieve that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it.
Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams,remember that your destiny is hiding behindthem.Acceptthe fect that not everyone is goimg to approve of the choices you've made,have faith in your judgement,catch the star that twinkles in your heart,and it will lead you to your destiny'spath.Followthat pathway and uncover the sweetsunrises that await you.
Take pride in your accomplishments,as they are stepping stones to yourdreams.Understandthat you may make mistakes,but don't let them discourageyou.Valueyour capabilities and talents for they are what make you trulyunique.Thegreatest gifts in life are not purchased,but acquired through hard work anddetermination.Findingthe star that twinkles in your heart for you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.
So don't think that you are neglected,or not understood,or notappreciated.zsuchthoughts are the thoughts of failure.
Don't pity yourself,criticiseyourself.Youknow that the only thing in the world that you have got to count upon is yourself.
Hold fast to dreams,緊緊抓住夢想,
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird,人生將是斷翅的鳥兒,
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams,緊緊抓住夢想,
For when dreams go,因為一旦夢想幻滅,
Life is a barren field,
Frozen with snow.終年雪地冰天.
The Flight of Youth青春的飛逝
Richard Henry Stoddard/
There are gains for all our losses.我們失去的一切都能得到補償,
There are balms for all our pain;我們所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;
But when youth,the dream,departs可是夢境似的青春一旦消逝,
It takes something from our hearts,它帶走了我們心中的某種美好,
And it never comes again.從此一去不復返.
We are stronger,and are better,我們變得日益剛強、更臻完美,
Under manhood’s sterner reign;在嚴峻的成年生活驅使下;
Still we feel that something sweet可是依然感到甜美的情感,
Following youth,with flying feet,已隨著青春飛逝,
And will never come again.不再返回.
Something beautiful is vanished,美好已經消逝,
And we sigh for it in vain;我們枉自為此歎息;
We behold it everywhere,儘管在天地之間,
On the earth,and in the air,我們處處能見青春的魅力,
But it never comes again!可是它不再返回!


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