write three words starting with the letter below the fifth letter of 'strong'

write three words starting with the letter below the fifth letter of 'strong'


with the words and expressions givenbelow.writea short paragraph of 120 words to compare priva…
with the words and expressions givenbelow.writea short paragraph of 120 words to compare private cars and bicycles in china
First Second Finally cost expensive fuel fuel-free parking space while whereas
Nowadays,more and more people in China have their owncars.Butcompared withbicycles.thelatter has many advantages.從這裡接著寫

First,riding a bicycle is environmentlly-friendly,which helps to protect theenvironment.What's more,it can also keep our bodystrong.Moreimportantly,riding a bicycle can save money……

Write a passage of at least 60 words on the situation given
