求《傲慢與偏見》與《簡愛》英文簡介100到200字左右 求傲慢與偏見英文簡介,特別說明要的是小說劇情簡介,不是小說分析,傲慢與偏見可以參照下麵的內容. 本片主角是班納特家的五個女兒,勢利眼的母親一見到富家公子賓利和達西前來小鎮,便逼不及待安排女兒釣金龜.大女兒跟賓利的愛情開始發展得很順利,但在關鍵時刻卻產生了波折.而女兒伊莉莎白則對態度高傲的達西存有嚴重的偏見,兩人明明相愛卻不斷在言語中剌痛對方.幸好最後誤會冰釋,五個女兒都有了好結果. 《簡愛》也是這樣,回答好加分,不要粘貼複製,因為已經搜遍了百度也沒合適答案,謝謝

求《傲慢與偏見》與《簡愛》英文簡介100到200字左右 求傲慢與偏見英文簡介,特別說明要的是小說劇情簡介,不是小說分析,傲慢與偏見可以參照下麵的內容. 本片主角是班納特家的五個女兒,勢利眼的母親一見到富家公子賓利和達西前來小鎮,便逼不及待安排女兒釣金龜.大女兒跟賓利的愛情開始發展得很順利,但在關鍵時刻卻產生了波折.而女兒伊莉莎白則對態度高傲的達西存有嚴重的偏見,兩人明明相愛卻不斷在言語中剌痛對方.幸好最後誤會冰釋,五個女兒都有了好結果. 《簡愛》也是這樣,回答好加分,不要粘貼複製,因為已經搜遍了百度也沒合適答案,謝謝

Elizabeth 's embarassing mother is determined to pair her off as soon aspossible.Butas her sister is deeply in love with Bingley,she decides that Darcy,who is Bingley's friend and a highly eligible bachelor,is far too aloof for herliking.He,for his part,seems totally indifferent toher.Thenshe discovers that he's been meddling in her family'saffairs and ruined someone else's future,and determins to dislike him more thanever.Afteran unexpected proposal,their relationship falls to zero.
However,as the prejudice begins to melt and the accidental meeting at Pemberley,they both find admiration and appreciation withinthem.Nothingcan come between true love,even the elope of Lizzy's youngestsister.Eventuallythe sisters get married with their love ones and form the happy ending of the book Pride and Prejudice.


Pride and Prejudice
Pride and prejudice are displayed in every character pertaining to the novel in some form oranother.Itis pride of those of a higher economic status which genuinely withholds prominent relationships of those who are of lower economicstatus.Darcy's pride causes him to look down on those who are in a lower social class,due to his mentality that hesupersedes those who are not within his socialcircle.Giventhat Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class than Darcy,this places immediate restrictions to theirrelationship.Elizabethalso displays significantpride.Thoughnot influenced by economic status,Elizabeth is most proud of her ability of perception:although itis her ill perception which causes her to misjudge Darcy and alsoWickham.WhenElizabeth hears of Wickham's accusations of Darcy,she trusts the negative perception of him,and mistakenly views Darcy's confidence as conceit.


Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen,first published in 1813.The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners,upbringing,morality,education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-centuryEngland.Elizabethis the second of five daughters of a country gentleman,living nearthe fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire,near London.
Though the story's setting is characteristically turn-of-the-19th-century,it retains a fascination for modern readers,continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books' such as The BigRead.Ithas become one of the most popular novels in English literature,and receives considerable attention from literaryscholars.Moderninterest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitating Austen's memorable characters orthemes.Todate,the book has sold some 20 million copies worldwide.